
Showing posts from April 11, 2019

How to print column number of last character of line in file

up vote 0 down vote favorite I want to print the column number of last character of line. I have a file. So I want to print the column number of last character of line which has highest number in file. Thanks. command-line text-processing share | improve this question edited Dec 2 at 4:06 muru 135k 20 289 492 asked Dec 2 at 2:28 Vishal Patel 21 1

Inequalities in probability theory

up vote 2 down vote favorite I got stuck while solving this problem. First of all, i tried to prove directly from definition, but this doesnt led anywhere. Perhaps Jensen inequality may help? But we dont have convexity of f or of g. Any ideas on how we can tackle this problem? probability share | cite | improve this question asked 2 hours ago Neymar 374 1 13 add a comment  |  up vote