
Showing posts from December 2, 2018

Tikz-cd problems whilst also using breqn package

up vote 6 down vote favorite Running the following: documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} usepackage{tikz-cd} usepackage{tikz-cd} begin{document} begin{tikzcd} 0 arrow{r} & ker{h} arrow{r} & H(C;G) arrow{r} & Hom{(H_n(C),G)} arrow{r} & 0 \ end{tikzcd} end{document} Gives me the diagram that I want with no problems. Trying to compile this whilst including the package breqn leads to TexMaker trying to compile the PDF forever. The problem appears to be caused by the semicolon in my tikz diagram. If I remove the semicolon, it compiles. If I don't use the package breqn, it compiles. I am struggling to understand why breqn would cause this issue. I'm not actually using that package, now, but I think that I would rather keep it if possible. Is there a way to work around this? I've tried setting u