
Showing posts from November 19, 2018

What happens if you transfer ether and no miner is running?

up vote 2 down vote favorite What happen if I transfer ether from account a to account b on a private chain with just one node and that node is not mining? transactions mining private-blockchain share | improve this question edited Nov 16 at 12:28 shane 1,599 2 5 30 asked Nov 16 at 12:16 Eduardo 129 4 New contributor Eduardo is a new contributor to this site. Take

Presentation of $hS$ as in page 29 of HTT

up vote 1 down vote favorite At the page claims 29 of HTT, Lurie claims that the category $hS$ (we ignore all the enrichement) admits the following presentation by generators and relation : The objects of $hS$ are the vertices of $S$ (this one is clear). For every edge $ f: Delta^1 rightarrow S$ there is a morphism $overline{f}$ in $hS$ . For each $2$ -simplex $sigma$ we have $overline{d_0sigma} circ overline{d_2sigma} = overline{d_1sigma}$ . For each vertex $x$ the morphism $overline{s_0x}$ is the identity $id_x$ . He claims that this follows from the fact the functor $h$ is left adjoint to the nerve functor but I don't see how. We first idea was to use Yoneda and try to use the adjunction on $sSet( Delta^1, S)$ to get the statement about morphisms but the adjunction isnot in the correct direction. Then I