
Showing posts from April 15, 2019

Why do the pistols and rifles not have trigger guards in Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood?

up vote 5 down vote favorite I am assuming that the reason is that they didn't want to animate it. But really, I think it's a little odd seeing it, as it doesn't tackle on that much more effort to animate it. fullmetal-alchemist-series fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood share | improve this question edited Dec 3 at 2:08 W. Are 1,847 3 25 asked Dec 2 at 1:58 Colby Cole Sargis 26 1

pdfTeX hang prevention

up vote 14 down vote favorite 2 I am faced with pdfTex hanging problem and and looking for a workaround if exists. For example, I know that the following formula expression is mistyped, but I dont know why pdfTex is frozen(possibly infinite loop) instead of quting nicely? Is there a workaround? Because in case of an erronous input, I don't want to restart my server. edit: as comments suggest, problem is clarified. documentclass{article} usepackage{graphicx} usepackage{draftwatermark} usepackage{breqn} usepackage{amsmath} SetWatermarkText{FAST MATH} SetWatermarkScale{2} SetWatermarkVerCenter{0.6paperheight} SetWatermarkAngle{30} begin{document} section{Input} $left. begin{array} { l } { a ) A = { 2 $ section{Solution} ${a: 0}$ end{document} errors