Huffman Coding API in Swift

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This question is a follow up question to: this post

I'd love some advice on my implementation and the API of the Huffman class.

I'm also not sure how to test if my implementation is actually resulting in less bytes than a string. It seems that encoded.count (as a Data) is larger than word.utf8.count (as a String). Maybe I'm just not testing on large enough strings?

Also any thoughts on HuffData storing the code ex. ["00","01"] and the frequencyTable instead of the tree.

Here’s an example of how the API is used:

let encoded = try? Huffman.encode(word)
let decoded = try? Huffman.decode(encoded!)
XCTAssertEqual(decoded, word)

Here's the code:

import Foundation

struct HuffData: Codable {
var code: [String]
var frequencyTable: [String: String]

class Huffman {
static func decode(_ data: Data) throws -> String {
do {
let huff = try JSONDecoder().decode(HuffData.self, from: data)
let reverseTable = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(huff.frequencyTable.values, huff.frequencyTable.keys))
return huff.code.compactMap({ reverseTable[$0]}).joined()
catch let error {
throw error

static func encode(_ input: String) throws -> Data {
let frequencyTable = Huffman.buildFrequencyTable(for: input)
let code = input.compactMap({frequencyTable[String($0)]})
let huff = HuffData(code: code, frequencyTable: frequencyTable)
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(huff)
return data
catch let error {
throw error

static private func buildFrequencyTable(for input: String) -> [String: String] {
// count letter frequency
let sortedFrequency = input.reduce(into: [String: Int](), { freq, char in
freq[String(char), default: 0] += 1
// create queue of initial Nodes
let queue ={ Node(name: $0.key, value: $0.value)}
// generate key by traversing tree
return Huffman.generateKey(for: Huffman.createTree(with: queue), prefix: "")

static private func generateKey(for node: Node, prefix: String) -> [String: String] {
var key = [String: String]()
if let left = node.left, let right = node.right {
key.merge(generateKey(for: left, prefix: prefix + "0"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
key.merge(generateKey(for: right, prefix: prefix + "1"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
}else {
key[] = prefix
return key

static private func createTree(with queue: [Node]) -> Node {
// initialize queue that sorts by decreasing count
var queue = PriorityQueue(queue: queue)
// until we have 1 root node, join subtrees of least frequency
while queue.count > 1 {
let node1 = queue.dequeue()
let node2 = queue.dequeue()
let rootNode = Huffman.createRoot(with: node1, and: node2)
queue.enqueue(node: rootNode)
return queue.queue[0]

static private func createRoot(with first: Node, and second: Node) -> Node {
return Node(name: "(", value: first.value + second.value, left: first, right: second)


struct PriorityQueue {
var queue: [Node]
var count: Int {
return queue.count
mutating func enqueue(node: Node) {
queue.insert(node, at: queue.index(where: {$0.value <= node.value}) ?? 0)
mutating func dequeue() -> Node {
return queue.removeLast()
init(queue: [Node]){
// assumes queue will always be sorted by decreasing count
self.queue = queue.sorted(by: {$0.value > $1.value})

class Node: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "(name): (value)"
let name: String
let value: Int
let left: Node?
let right: Node?

init(name: String, value: Int, left: Node? = nil, right: Node? = nil) { = name
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right

share|improve this question

  • 1

    I don't know Swift well enough to be sure, but it seems like your output is 8 times as large as it should be, by neglecting to pack the bits into bytes. That way, since a Huffman code is at least 1 bit, the result is guaranteed to be at least as large as the input.
    – harold

  • oh no! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the correct zeros and ones from the tree so I'm not sure how the output is 8 times as large as it should be! I assumed joining the table with the code would add some overhead but would be worth it for strings that are large enough to consider encoding.
    – Turnipdabeets

  • 1

    @harold is quite right: Each zero and one of the encoded sequence is stored as a "0" or "1" character and thus consumes 8 bits.
    – Martin R

up vote
down vote


This question is a follow up question to: this post

I'd love some advice on my implementation and the API of the Huffman class.

I'm also not sure how to test if my implementation is actually resulting in less bytes than a string. It seems that encoded.count (as a Data) is larger than word.utf8.count (as a String). Maybe I'm just not testing on large enough strings?

Also any thoughts on HuffData storing the code ex. ["00","01"] and the frequencyTable instead of the tree.

Here’s an example of how the API is used:

let encoded = try? Huffman.encode(word)
let decoded = try? Huffman.decode(encoded!)
XCTAssertEqual(decoded, word)

Here's the code:

import Foundation

struct HuffData: Codable {
var code: [String]
var frequencyTable: [String: String]

class Huffman {
static func decode(_ data: Data) throws -> String {
do {
let huff = try JSONDecoder().decode(HuffData.self, from: data)
let reverseTable = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(huff.frequencyTable.values, huff.frequencyTable.keys))
return huff.code.compactMap({ reverseTable[$0]}).joined()
catch let error {
throw error

static func encode(_ input: String) throws -> Data {
let frequencyTable = Huffman.buildFrequencyTable(for: input)
let code = input.compactMap({frequencyTable[String($0)]})
let huff = HuffData(code: code, frequencyTable: frequencyTable)
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(huff)
return data
catch let error {
throw error

static private func buildFrequencyTable(for input: String) -> [String: String] {
// count letter frequency
let sortedFrequency = input.reduce(into: [String: Int](), { freq, char in
freq[String(char), default: 0] += 1
// create queue of initial Nodes
let queue ={ Node(name: $0.key, value: $0.value)}
// generate key by traversing tree
return Huffman.generateKey(for: Huffman.createTree(with: queue), prefix: "")

static private func generateKey(for node: Node, prefix: String) -> [String: String] {
var key = [String: String]()
if let left = node.left, let right = node.right {
key.merge(generateKey(for: left, prefix: prefix + "0"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
key.merge(generateKey(for: right, prefix: prefix + "1"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
}else {
key[] = prefix
return key

static private func createTree(with queue: [Node]) -> Node {
// initialize queue that sorts by decreasing count
var queue = PriorityQueue(queue: queue)
// until we have 1 root node, join subtrees of least frequency
while queue.count > 1 {
let node1 = queue.dequeue()
let node2 = queue.dequeue()
let rootNode = Huffman.createRoot(with: node1, and: node2)
queue.enqueue(node: rootNode)
return queue.queue[0]

static private func createRoot(with first: Node, and second: Node) -> Node {
return Node(name: "(", value: first.value + second.value, left: first, right: second)


struct PriorityQueue {
var queue: [Node]
var count: Int {
return queue.count
mutating func enqueue(node: Node) {
queue.insert(node, at: queue.index(where: {$0.value <= node.value}) ?? 0)
mutating func dequeue() -> Node {
return queue.removeLast()
init(queue: [Node]){
// assumes queue will always be sorted by decreasing count
self.queue = queue.sorted(by: {$0.value > $1.value})

class Node: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "(name): (value)"
let name: String
let value: Int
let left: Node?
let right: Node?

init(name: String, value: Int, left: Node? = nil, right: Node? = nil) { = name
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right

share|improve this question

  • 1

    I don't know Swift well enough to be sure, but it seems like your output is 8 times as large as it should be, by neglecting to pack the bits into bytes. That way, since a Huffman code is at least 1 bit, the result is guaranteed to be at least as large as the input.
    – harold

  • oh no! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the correct zeros and ones from the tree so I'm not sure how the output is 8 times as large as it should be! I assumed joining the table with the code would add some overhead but would be worth it for strings that are large enough to consider encoding.
    – Turnipdabeets

  • 1

    @harold is quite right: Each zero and one of the encoded sequence is stored as a "0" or "1" character and thus consumes 8 bits.
    – Martin R

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


This question is a follow up question to: this post

I'd love some advice on my implementation and the API of the Huffman class.

I'm also not sure how to test if my implementation is actually resulting in less bytes than a string. It seems that encoded.count (as a Data) is larger than word.utf8.count (as a String). Maybe I'm just not testing on large enough strings?

Also any thoughts on HuffData storing the code ex. ["00","01"] and the frequencyTable instead of the tree.

Here’s an example of how the API is used:

let encoded = try? Huffman.encode(word)
let decoded = try? Huffman.decode(encoded!)
XCTAssertEqual(decoded, word)

Here's the code:

import Foundation

struct HuffData: Codable {
var code: [String]
var frequencyTable: [String: String]

class Huffman {
static func decode(_ data: Data) throws -> String {
do {
let huff = try JSONDecoder().decode(HuffData.self, from: data)
let reverseTable = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(huff.frequencyTable.values, huff.frequencyTable.keys))
return huff.code.compactMap({ reverseTable[$0]}).joined()
catch let error {
throw error

static func encode(_ input: String) throws -> Data {
let frequencyTable = Huffman.buildFrequencyTable(for: input)
let code = input.compactMap({frequencyTable[String($0)]})
let huff = HuffData(code: code, frequencyTable: frequencyTable)
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(huff)
return data
catch let error {
throw error

static private func buildFrequencyTable(for input: String) -> [String: String] {
// count letter frequency
let sortedFrequency = input.reduce(into: [String: Int](), { freq, char in
freq[String(char), default: 0] += 1
// create queue of initial Nodes
let queue ={ Node(name: $0.key, value: $0.value)}
// generate key by traversing tree
return Huffman.generateKey(for: Huffman.createTree(with: queue), prefix: "")

static private func generateKey(for node: Node, prefix: String) -> [String: String] {
var key = [String: String]()
if let left = node.left, let right = node.right {
key.merge(generateKey(for: left, prefix: prefix + "0"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
key.merge(generateKey(for: right, prefix: prefix + "1"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
}else {
key[] = prefix
return key

static private func createTree(with queue: [Node]) -> Node {
// initialize queue that sorts by decreasing count
var queue = PriorityQueue(queue: queue)
// until we have 1 root node, join subtrees of least frequency
while queue.count > 1 {
let node1 = queue.dequeue()
let node2 = queue.dequeue()
let rootNode = Huffman.createRoot(with: node1, and: node2)
queue.enqueue(node: rootNode)
return queue.queue[0]

static private func createRoot(with first: Node, and second: Node) -> Node {
return Node(name: "(", value: first.value + second.value, left: first, right: second)


struct PriorityQueue {
var queue: [Node]
var count: Int {
return queue.count
mutating func enqueue(node: Node) {
queue.insert(node, at: queue.index(where: {$0.value <= node.value}) ?? 0)
mutating func dequeue() -> Node {
return queue.removeLast()
init(queue: [Node]){
// assumes queue will always be sorted by decreasing count
self.queue = queue.sorted(by: {$0.value > $1.value})

class Node: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "(name): (value)"
let name: String
let value: Int
let left: Node?
let right: Node?

init(name: String, value: Int, left: Node? = nil, right: Node? = nil) { = name
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right

share|improve this question

This question is a follow up question to: this post

I'd love some advice on my implementation and the API of the Huffman class.

I'm also not sure how to test if my implementation is actually resulting in less bytes than a string. It seems that encoded.count (as a Data) is larger than word.utf8.count (as a String). Maybe I'm just not testing on large enough strings?

Also any thoughts on HuffData storing the code ex. ["00","01"] and the frequencyTable instead of the tree.

Here’s an example of how the API is used:

let encoded = try? Huffman.encode(word)
let decoded = try? Huffman.decode(encoded!)
XCTAssertEqual(decoded, word)

Here's the code:

import Foundation

struct HuffData: Codable {
var code: [String]
var frequencyTable: [String: String]

class Huffman {
static func decode(_ data: Data) throws -> String {
do {
let huff = try JSONDecoder().decode(HuffData.self, from: data)
let reverseTable = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(huff.frequencyTable.values, huff.frequencyTable.keys))
return huff.code.compactMap({ reverseTable[$0]}).joined()
catch let error {
throw error

static func encode(_ input: String) throws -> Data {
let frequencyTable = Huffman.buildFrequencyTable(for: input)
let code = input.compactMap({frequencyTable[String($0)]})
let huff = HuffData(code: code, frequencyTable: frequencyTable)
do {
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(huff)
return data
catch let error {
throw error

static private func buildFrequencyTable(for input: String) -> [String: String] {
// count letter frequency
let sortedFrequency = input.reduce(into: [String: Int](), { freq, char in
freq[String(char), default: 0] += 1
// create queue of initial Nodes
let queue ={ Node(name: $0.key, value: $0.value)}
// generate key by traversing tree
return Huffman.generateKey(for: Huffman.createTree(with: queue), prefix: "")

static private func generateKey(for node: Node, prefix: String) -> [String: String] {
var key = [String: String]()
if let left = node.left, let right = node.right {
key.merge(generateKey(for: left, prefix: prefix + "0"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
key.merge(generateKey(for: right, prefix: prefix + "1"), uniquingKeysWith: {current,_ in current})
}else {
key[] = prefix
return key

static private func createTree(with queue: [Node]) -> Node {
// initialize queue that sorts by decreasing count
var queue = PriorityQueue(queue: queue)
// until we have 1 root node, join subtrees of least frequency
while queue.count > 1 {
let node1 = queue.dequeue()
let node2 = queue.dequeue()
let rootNode = Huffman.createRoot(with: node1, and: node2)
queue.enqueue(node: rootNode)
return queue.queue[0]

static private func createRoot(with first: Node, and second: Node) -> Node {
return Node(name: "(", value: first.value + second.value, left: first, right: second)


struct PriorityQueue {
var queue: [Node]
var count: Int {
return queue.count
mutating func enqueue(node: Node) {
queue.insert(node, at: queue.index(where: {$0.value <= node.value}) ?? 0)
mutating func dequeue() -> Node {
return queue.removeLast()
init(queue: [Node]){
// assumes queue will always be sorted by decreasing count
self.queue = queue.sorted(by: {$0.value > $1.value})

class Node: CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return "(name): (value)"
let name: String
let value: Int
let left: Node?
let right: Node?

init(name: String, value: Int, left: Node? = nil, right: Node? = nil) { = name
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right

algorithm swift compression

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asked yesterday




  • 1

    I don't know Swift well enough to be sure, but it seems like your output is 8 times as large as it should be, by neglecting to pack the bits into bytes. That way, since a Huffman code is at least 1 bit, the result is guaranteed to be at least as large as the input.
    – harold

  • oh no! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the correct zeros and ones from the tree so I'm not sure how the output is 8 times as large as it should be! I assumed joining the table with the code would add some overhead but would be worth it for strings that are large enough to consider encoding.
    – Turnipdabeets

  • 1

    @harold is quite right: Each zero and one of the encoded sequence is stored as a "0" or "1" character and thus consumes 8 bits.
    – Martin R

  • 1

    I don't know Swift well enough to be sure, but it seems like your output is 8 times as large as it should be, by neglecting to pack the bits into bytes. That way, since a Huffman code is at least 1 bit, the result is guaranteed to be at least as large as the input.
    – harold

  • oh no! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the correct zeros and ones from the tree so I'm not sure how the output is 8 times as large as it should be! I assumed joining the table with the code would add some overhead but would be worth it for strings that are large enough to consider encoding.
    – Turnipdabeets

  • 1

    @harold is quite right: Each zero and one of the encoded sequence is stored as a "0" or "1" character and thus consumes 8 bits.
    – Martin R



I don't know Swift well enough to be sure, but it seems like your output is 8 times as large as it should be, by neglecting to pack the bits into bytes. That way, since a Huffman code is at least 1 bit, the result is guaranteed to be at least as large as the input.
– harold

I don't know Swift well enough to be sure, but it seems like your output is 8 times as large as it should be, by neglecting to pack the bits into bytes. That way, since a Huffman code is at least 1 bit, the result is guaranteed to be at least as large as the input.
– harold

oh no! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the correct zeros and ones from the tree so I'm not sure how the output is 8 times as large as it should be! I assumed joining the table with the code would add some overhead but would be worth it for strings that are large enough to consider encoding.
– Turnipdabeets

oh no! I'm pretty sure I'm getting the correct zeros and ones from the tree so I'm not sure how the output is 8 times as large as it should be! I assumed joining the table with the code would add some overhead but would be worth it for strings that are large enough to consider encoding.
– Turnipdabeets



@harold is quite right: Each zero and one of the encoded sequence is stored as a "0" or "1" character and thus consumes 8 bits.
– Martin R

@harold is quite right: Each zero and one of the encoded sequence is stored as a "0" or "1" character and thus consumes 8 bits.
– Martin R




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