Sorting files into subdirectories based on keyword scores

up vote
down vote


This script sorts files from current directory into known subdirectories. it is built for speed because the keyword database used can be up to 20kb. each line of the database has subdirname,1,keywords?string where the number is how many points this keyword is worth. It then counts these points and puts the file to the subdir with the most points. minimum points for a move is 2. The last line in each database file is missing,0,not appearing in this directory.

dir *.* /a-d >nul 2>nul || exit /b
set "tempfile=%temp%sortables"
set "sourcedir=%~1"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: set datafile, categories according to where we are
set "categories="
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videos" (
set "datafile=videos"
set "categories=series porno"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmovies" (
set "datafile=movies"
set "categories=features psychedelic pornography concerts standup featurettes documentaries"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesdocumentaries" (
set "datafile=docu"
set "categories=1-scarcity 2-globalists 3-disinformation 4-agendas 5-abundance"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesfeatures" (
set "datafile=films"
set "categories=comedy drama action thriller venture crime horror mystery fantasy science western warfare"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseries" (
set "datafile=series"
set "categories=comedy stories1 stories2 reality trippy"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriescomedy" (
set "datafile=comedy"
set "categories=cartoon classic modern reality sketch standup"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriespilots" (
set "datafile=pilots"
set "categories=reality drama comedy scifi fantasy crime mystery action thriller"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshorts" (
set "datafile=shorts"
set "categories=psychedelic entertaining music media useful conspiracies"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmedia" (
set "datafile=media"
set "categories=trailers games fandom extras facts analysis features"
if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmusic" (
set "datafile=music"
set "categories=bigbeat classical clubbing country electro swing reggae dub experimental geeky metal rap rock synthwave triphop xxx"
if not defined categories exit /b
set database=d:systemscripts%datafile%.txt
if not exist "%database%" echo critical error: database %datafile%.txt doesn't exist && exit /b
if defined v%~n0 echo sorting "%cd%"

:: =============================================================================================================================
:: setup sorting categories (do not change anything lightly or without backup after this point)
:: =============================================================================================================================

:: do not remove this echo off or this script will stop working
@echo off

set "sortingcategories="
for %%a in (%categories%) do set "sortingcategories=!sortingcategories!,%%~a"
set "sortingcategories=%sortingcategories: =_%"

:: =============================================================================================================================
:: create tempfile containing lines of: name|sortingcategory|weight
:: =============================================================================================================================
for /f "tokens=1,2,*delims=," %%s in (%database%) do (
set "sortingcategory=%%s"
set "sortingcategory=!sortingcategory: =_!"
for /f "delims=" %%a in (
'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%*%%u*" 2^>nul'
) do (
echo %%a^|!sortingcategory!^|%%t^|%%s^|%%u
type "%tempfile%" >>d:systemscriptssorter.log

:: =============================================================================================================================
:: reset and call processing for each file in tempfile + dummy (helps counting the last score?)
:: =============================================================================================================================

set "lastname="
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,*delims=|" %%a in ('sort "%tempfile%"') do call :resolve %%b %%c "%%a"
call :resolve dummy 0
:: declare failures
if defined v%~n0 if not "%datafile%"=="videos" if not "%datafile%"=="music" if not "%datafile%"=="media" (
dir "%~1*" /a-d >nul 2>nul && for /f "delims=" %%q in ('dir %1 /b /a-d') do echo unsortable in %datafile% "%%q"
exit /b

IF "%~3" equ "%lastname%" GOTO accum
:: report and reset accumulators
SET "winner=none"
SET /a maxfound=1
FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO (
FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=$=" %%w IN ('set $%%v') DO IF %%x gtr !maxfound! (SET "winner=%%v"&SET /a maxfound=%%x)
if "%winner%"=="none" goto reset
SET "winner=%winner:_= %"
SET "lastname=%lastname:&=and%"
:: this has a problem with different type of dash -
echo "%lastname%" | find /i ".tmp" >nul && exit /b
:: this once overwrote a same-name, much smaller file, wtf?
if "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "d:shame" >nul && echo "d:shame%lastname%"
if not "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
if "%winner%"=="features" if exist "%sourcedir%%lastname%" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
:: before or after successful filing we could do a surgical dupe check for only that file, rendering the old style obsolete

FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO SET /a $%%v=0
SET "lastname=%~3"
SET /a $%1+=%2

It runs nearly perfectly. However, for a file in d:videos to find its way to, say, d:videosshortsmusicelectro, this script will be run three times, once for every subdir. Should this be reworked so it can figure out the final resting place in one go? Would that be feasible? Would it require a single large database file, making it slow again?

I know it's crazy this is done in batch but it's the only language I know. I would love to know about the better ways of doing this.

share|improve this question

    up vote
    down vote


    This script sorts files from current directory into known subdirectories. it is built for speed because the keyword database used can be up to 20kb. each line of the database has subdirname,1,keywords?string where the number is how many points this keyword is worth. It then counts these points and puts the file to the subdir with the most points. minimum points for a move is 2. The last line in each database file is missing,0,not appearing in this directory.

    dir *.* /a-d >nul 2>nul || exit /b
    set "tempfile=%temp%sortables"
    set "sourcedir=%~1"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

    :: set datafile, categories according to where we are
    set "categories="
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videos" (
    set "datafile=videos"
    set "categories=series porno"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmovies" (
    set "datafile=movies"
    set "categories=features psychedelic pornography concerts standup featurettes documentaries"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesdocumentaries" (
    set "datafile=docu"
    set "categories=1-scarcity 2-globalists 3-disinformation 4-agendas 5-abundance"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesfeatures" (
    set "datafile=films"
    set "categories=comedy drama action thriller venture crime horror mystery fantasy science western warfare"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseries" (
    set "datafile=series"
    set "categories=comedy stories1 stories2 reality trippy"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriescomedy" (
    set "datafile=comedy"
    set "categories=cartoon classic modern reality sketch standup"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriespilots" (
    set "datafile=pilots"
    set "categories=reality drama comedy scifi fantasy crime mystery action thriller"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshorts" (
    set "datafile=shorts"
    set "categories=psychedelic entertaining music media useful conspiracies"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmedia" (
    set "datafile=media"
    set "categories=trailers games fandom extras facts analysis features"
    if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmusic" (
    set "datafile=music"
    set "categories=bigbeat classical clubbing country electro swing reggae dub experimental geeky metal rap rock synthwave triphop xxx"
    if not defined categories exit /b
    set database=d:systemscripts%datafile%.txt
    if not exist "%database%" echo critical error: database %datafile%.txt doesn't exist && exit /b
    if defined v%~n0 echo sorting "%cd%"

    :: =============================================================================================================================
    :: setup sorting categories (do not change anything lightly or without backup after this point)
    :: =============================================================================================================================

    :: do not remove this echo off or this script will stop working
    @echo off

    set "sortingcategories="
    for %%a in (%categories%) do set "sortingcategories=!sortingcategories!,%%~a"
    set "sortingcategories=%sortingcategories: =_%"

    :: =============================================================================================================================
    :: create tempfile containing lines of: name|sortingcategory|weight
    :: =============================================================================================================================
    for /f "tokens=1,2,*delims=," %%s in (%database%) do (
    set "sortingcategory=%%s"
    set "sortingcategory=!sortingcategory: =_!"
    for /f "delims=" %%a in (
    'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%*%%u*" 2^>nul'
    ) do (
    echo %%a^|!sortingcategory!^|%%t^|%%s^|%%u
    type "%tempfile%" >>d:systemscriptssorter.log

    :: =============================================================================================================================
    :: reset and call processing for each file in tempfile + dummy (helps counting the last score?)
    :: =============================================================================================================================

    set "lastname="
    for /f "tokens=1,2,3,*delims=|" %%a in ('sort "%tempfile%"') do call :resolve %%b %%c "%%a"
    call :resolve dummy 0
    :: declare failures
    if defined v%~n0 if not "%datafile%"=="videos" if not "%datafile%"=="music" if not "%datafile%"=="media" (
    dir "%~1*" /a-d >nul 2>nul && for /f "delims=" %%q in ('dir %1 /b /a-d') do echo unsortable in %datafile% "%%q"
    exit /b

    IF "%~3" equ "%lastname%" GOTO accum
    :: report and reset accumulators
    SET "winner=none"
    SET /a maxfound=1
    FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO (
    FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=$=" %%w IN ('set $%%v') DO IF %%x gtr !maxfound! (SET "winner=%%v"&SET /a maxfound=%%x)
    if "%winner%"=="none" goto reset
    SET "winner=%winner:_= %"
    SET "lastname=%lastname:&=and%"
    :: this has a problem with different type of dash -
    echo "%lastname%" | find /i ".tmp" >nul && exit /b
    :: this once overwrote a same-name, much smaller file, wtf?
    if "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "d:shame" >nul && echo "d:shame%lastname%"
    if not "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
    if "%winner%"=="features" if exist "%sourcedir%%lastname%" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
    :: before or after successful filing we could do a surgical dupe check for only that file, rendering the old style obsolete

    FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO SET /a $%%v=0
    SET "lastname=%~3"
    SET /a $%1+=%2

    It runs nearly perfectly. However, for a file in d:videos to find its way to, say, d:videosshortsmusicelectro, this script will be run three times, once for every subdir. Should this be reworked so it can figure out the final resting place in one go? Would that be feasible? Would it require a single large database file, making it slow again?

    I know it's crazy this is done in batch but it's the only language I know. I would love to know about the better ways of doing this.

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote



      This script sorts files from current directory into known subdirectories. it is built for speed because the keyword database used can be up to 20kb. each line of the database has subdirname,1,keywords?string where the number is how many points this keyword is worth. It then counts these points and puts the file to the subdir with the most points. minimum points for a move is 2. The last line in each database file is missing,0,not appearing in this directory.

      dir *.* /a-d >nul 2>nul || exit /b
      set "tempfile=%temp%sortables"
      set "sourcedir=%~1"
      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

      :: set datafile, categories according to where we are
      set "categories="
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videos" (
      set "datafile=videos"
      set "categories=series porno"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmovies" (
      set "datafile=movies"
      set "categories=features psychedelic pornography concerts standup featurettes documentaries"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesdocumentaries" (
      set "datafile=docu"
      set "categories=1-scarcity 2-globalists 3-disinformation 4-agendas 5-abundance"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesfeatures" (
      set "datafile=films"
      set "categories=comedy drama action thriller venture crime horror mystery fantasy science western warfare"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseries" (
      set "datafile=series"
      set "categories=comedy stories1 stories2 reality trippy"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriescomedy" (
      set "datafile=comedy"
      set "categories=cartoon classic modern reality sketch standup"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriespilots" (
      set "datafile=pilots"
      set "categories=reality drama comedy scifi fantasy crime mystery action thriller"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshorts" (
      set "datafile=shorts"
      set "categories=psychedelic entertaining music media useful conspiracies"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmedia" (
      set "datafile=media"
      set "categories=trailers games fandom extras facts analysis features"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmusic" (
      set "datafile=music"
      set "categories=bigbeat classical clubbing country electro swing reggae dub experimental geeky metal rap rock synthwave triphop xxx"
      if not defined categories exit /b
      set database=d:systemscripts%datafile%.txt
      if not exist "%database%" echo critical error: database %datafile%.txt doesn't exist && exit /b
      if defined v%~n0 echo sorting "%cd%"

      :: =============================================================================================================================
      :: setup sorting categories (do not change anything lightly or without backup after this point)
      :: =============================================================================================================================

      :: do not remove this echo off or this script will stop working
      @echo off

      set "sortingcategories="
      for %%a in (%categories%) do set "sortingcategories=!sortingcategories!,%%~a"
      set "sortingcategories=%sortingcategories: =_%"

      :: =============================================================================================================================
      :: create tempfile containing lines of: name|sortingcategory|weight
      :: =============================================================================================================================
      for /f "tokens=1,2,*delims=," %%s in (%database%) do (
      set "sortingcategory=%%s"
      set "sortingcategory=!sortingcategory: =_!"
      for /f "delims=" %%a in (
      'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%*%%u*" 2^>nul'
      ) do (
      echo %%a^|!sortingcategory!^|%%t^|%%s^|%%u
      type "%tempfile%" >>d:systemscriptssorter.log

      :: =============================================================================================================================
      :: reset and call processing for each file in tempfile + dummy (helps counting the last score?)
      :: =============================================================================================================================

      set "lastname="
      for /f "tokens=1,2,3,*delims=|" %%a in ('sort "%tempfile%"') do call :resolve %%b %%c "%%a"
      call :resolve dummy 0
      :: declare failures
      if defined v%~n0 if not "%datafile%"=="videos" if not "%datafile%"=="music" if not "%datafile%"=="media" (
      dir "%~1*" /a-d >nul 2>nul && for /f "delims=" %%q in ('dir %1 /b /a-d') do echo unsortable in %datafile% "%%q"
      exit /b

      IF "%~3" equ "%lastname%" GOTO accum
      :: report and reset accumulators
      SET "winner=none"
      SET /a maxfound=1
      FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO (
      FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=$=" %%w IN ('set $%%v') DO IF %%x gtr !maxfound! (SET "winner=%%v"&SET /a maxfound=%%x)
      if "%winner%"=="none" goto reset
      SET "winner=%winner:_= %"
      SET "lastname=%lastname:&=and%"
      :: this has a problem with different type of dash -
      echo "%lastname%" | find /i ".tmp" >nul && exit /b
      :: this once overwrote a same-name, much smaller file, wtf?
      if "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "d:shame" >nul && echo "d:shame%lastname%"
      if not "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
      if "%winner%"=="features" if exist "%sourcedir%%lastname%" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
      :: before or after successful filing we could do a surgical dupe check for only that file, rendering the old style obsolete

      FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO SET /a $%%v=0
      SET "lastname=%~3"
      SET /a $%1+=%2

      It runs nearly perfectly. However, for a file in d:videos to find its way to, say, d:videosshortsmusicelectro, this script will be run three times, once for every subdir. Should this be reworked so it can figure out the final resting place in one go? Would that be feasible? Would it require a single large database file, making it slow again?

      I know it's crazy this is done in batch but it's the only language I know. I would love to know about the better ways of doing this.

      share|improve this question

      This script sorts files from current directory into known subdirectories. it is built for speed because the keyword database used can be up to 20kb. each line of the database has subdirname,1,keywords?string where the number is how many points this keyword is worth. It then counts these points and puts the file to the subdir with the most points. minimum points for a move is 2. The last line in each database file is missing,0,not appearing in this directory.

      dir *.* /a-d >nul 2>nul || exit /b
      set "tempfile=%temp%sortables"
      set "sourcedir=%~1"
      setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

      :: set datafile, categories according to where we are
      set "categories="
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videos" (
      set "datafile=videos"
      set "categories=series porno"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmovies" (
      set "datafile=movies"
      set "categories=features psychedelic pornography concerts standup featurettes documentaries"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesdocumentaries" (
      set "datafile=docu"
      set "categories=1-scarcity 2-globalists 3-disinformation 4-agendas 5-abundance"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosmoviesfeatures" (
      set "datafile=films"
      set "categories=comedy drama action thriller venture crime horror mystery fantasy science western warfare"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseries" (
      set "datafile=series"
      set "categories=comedy stories1 stories2 reality trippy"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriescomedy" (
      set "datafile=comedy"
      set "categories=cartoon classic modern reality sketch standup"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosseriespilots" (
      set "datafile=pilots"
      set "categories=reality drama comedy scifi fantasy crime mystery action thriller"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshorts" (
      set "datafile=shorts"
      set "categories=psychedelic entertaining music media useful conspiracies"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmedia" (
      set "datafile=media"
      set "categories=trailers games fandom extras facts analysis features"
      if /i "%cd%"=="d:videosshortsmusic" (
      set "datafile=music"
      set "categories=bigbeat classical clubbing country electro swing reggae dub experimental geeky metal rap rock synthwave triphop xxx"
      if not defined categories exit /b
      set database=d:systemscripts%datafile%.txt
      if not exist "%database%" echo critical error: database %datafile%.txt doesn't exist && exit /b
      if defined v%~n0 echo sorting "%cd%"

      :: =============================================================================================================================
      :: setup sorting categories (do not change anything lightly or without backup after this point)
      :: =============================================================================================================================

      :: do not remove this echo off or this script will stop working
      @echo off

      set "sortingcategories="
      for %%a in (%categories%) do set "sortingcategories=!sortingcategories!,%%~a"
      set "sortingcategories=%sortingcategories: =_%"

      :: =============================================================================================================================
      :: create tempfile containing lines of: name|sortingcategory|weight
      :: =============================================================================================================================
      for /f "tokens=1,2,*delims=," %%s in (%database%) do (
      set "sortingcategory=%%s"
      set "sortingcategory=!sortingcategory: =_!"
      for /f "delims=" %%a in (
      'dir /b /a-d "%sourcedir%*%%u*" 2^>nul'
      ) do (
      echo %%a^|!sortingcategory!^|%%t^|%%s^|%%u
      type "%tempfile%" >>d:systemscriptssorter.log

      :: =============================================================================================================================
      :: reset and call processing for each file in tempfile + dummy (helps counting the last score?)
      :: =============================================================================================================================

      set "lastname="
      for /f "tokens=1,2,3,*delims=|" %%a in ('sort "%tempfile%"') do call :resolve %%b %%c "%%a"
      call :resolve dummy 0
      :: declare failures
      if defined v%~n0 if not "%datafile%"=="videos" if not "%datafile%"=="music" if not "%datafile%"=="media" (
      dir "%~1*" /a-d >nul 2>nul && for /f "delims=" %%q in ('dir %1 /b /a-d') do echo unsortable in %datafile% "%%q"
      exit /b

      IF "%~3" equ "%lastname%" GOTO accum
      :: report and reset accumulators
      SET "winner=none"
      SET /a maxfound=1
      FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO (
      FOR /f "tokens=1,2delims=$=" %%w IN ('set $%%v') DO IF %%x gtr !maxfound! (SET "winner=%%v"&SET /a maxfound=%%x)
      if "%winner%"=="none" goto reset
      SET "winner=%winner:_= %"
      SET "lastname=%lastname:&=and%"
      :: this has a problem with different type of dash -
      echo "%lastname%" | find /i ".tmp" >nul && exit /b
      :: this once overwrote a same-name, much smaller file, wtf?
      if "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "d:shame" >nul && echo "d:shame%lastname%"
      if not "%winner%"=="porno" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
      if "%winner%"=="features" if exist "%sourcedir%%lastname%" move "%sourcedir%%lastname%" "%sourcedir%%winner%" >nul && echo "%sourcedir%%winner%%lastname%"
      :: before or after successful filing we could do a surgical dupe check for only that file, rendering the old style obsolete

      FOR %%v IN (%sortingcategories%) DO SET /a $%%v=0
      SET "lastname=%~3"
      SET /a $%1+=%2

      It runs nearly perfectly. However, for a file in d:videos to find its way to, say, d:videosshortsmusicelectro, this script will be run three times, once for every subdir. Should this be reworked so it can figure out the final resting place in one go? Would that be feasible? Would it require a single large database file, making it slow again?

      I know it's crazy this is done in batch but it's the only language I know. I would love to know about the better ways of doing this.

      performance csv file-system batch

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Sep 1 at 15:15




      asked Sep 1 at 13:58




          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          Maybe the following wrapper script could help:

          @ECHO OFF
          SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
          set "_OrigScript=D:batCodeReview202927.bat" # change to match your terms
          CD /D "d:videos"
          FOR /D /r %%G in (.) DO (
          pushd %%~fG
          call "%_OrigScript%"

          Explanation (required reading):

          • FOR /D Conditionally perform a command on several Directories/Folders.

          • PUSHD Change the current directory/folder and store the previous folder/path for use by the POPD command.

          • POPD Change directory back to the path/folder most recently stored by the PUSHD command.

          • CALL Call one batch program from another, or call a subroutine.

          share|improve this answer

            Your Answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer










            up vote
            down vote

            Maybe the following wrapper script could help:

            @ECHO OFF
            SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
            set "_OrigScript=D:batCodeReview202927.bat" # change to match your terms
            CD /D "d:videos"
            FOR /D /r %%G in (.) DO (
            pushd %%~fG
            call "%_OrigScript%"

            Explanation (required reading):

            • FOR /D Conditionally perform a command on several Directories/Folders.

            • PUSHD Change the current directory/folder and store the previous folder/path for use by the POPD command.

            • POPD Change directory back to the path/folder most recently stored by the PUSHD command.

            • CALL Call one batch program from another, or call a subroutine.

            share|improve this answer

              up vote
              down vote

              Maybe the following wrapper script could help:

              @ECHO OFF
              SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
              set "_OrigScript=D:batCodeReview202927.bat" # change to match your terms
              CD /D "d:videos"
              FOR /D /r %%G in (.) DO (
              pushd %%~fG
              call "%_OrigScript%"

              Explanation (required reading):

              • FOR /D Conditionally perform a command on several Directories/Folders.

              • PUSHD Change the current directory/folder and store the previous folder/path for use by the POPD command.

              • POPD Change directory back to the path/folder most recently stored by the PUSHD command.

              • CALL Call one batch program from another, or call a subroutine.

              share|improve this answer

                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Maybe the following wrapper script could help:

                @ECHO OFF
                SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
                set "_OrigScript=D:batCodeReview202927.bat" # change to match your terms
                CD /D "d:videos"
                FOR /D /r %%G in (.) DO (
                pushd %%~fG
                call "%_OrigScript%"

                Explanation (required reading):

                • FOR /D Conditionally perform a command on several Directories/Folders.

                • PUSHD Change the current directory/folder and store the previous folder/path for use by the POPD command.

                • POPD Change directory back to the path/folder most recently stored by the PUSHD command.

                • CALL Call one batch program from another, or call a subroutine.

                share|improve this answer

                Maybe the following wrapper script could help:

                @ECHO OFF
                SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
                set "_OrigScript=D:batCodeReview202927.bat" # change to match your terms
                CD /D "d:videos"
                FOR /D /r %%G in (.) DO (
                pushd %%~fG
                call "%_OrigScript%"

                Explanation (required reading):

                • FOR /D Conditionally perform a command on several Directories/Folders.

                • PUSHD Change the current directory/folder and store the previous folder/path for use by the POPD command.

                • POPD Change directory back to the path/folder most recently stored by the PUSHD command.

                • CALL Call one batch program from another, or call a subroutine.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered 12 hours ago




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