Readable unit test - lists of complex objects

up vote
down vote


Goal: Writing more readable tests.

I have a couple of functions, which basically merge and converts two lists of Datasets together, written using Scala and Spark. Each of these Datasets has a lot of fields inside it. For testing, I'm creating three Datasets: New records, existing records, and expected result.

The problem is, tests are long and hard to read. An example:

test("Merging Movies") {

val newMovies: Dataset[ATMMovie] = Seq(
id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("P1"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3

val existingMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 658L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(94567522333L),
movie_title = Some("Old title"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2-old"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0

val expectedODSMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 765L,
movie_source_id = Some("P1"),
movie_entity_id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3
ODSMovie( // Movie we had.
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1

As you see, each test is very hard to read and follow. I'm looking to find a better way to write these tests.

Update: I don't care about the value of most of the fields. I'm going to test the logic of merging.

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 2 days ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • I don't know about Scala syntax, but have you considered migrating data to JSON and parse it from the code instead of having it everything in the code?
    – Xtreme Biker
    May 3 at 6:31

  • Without seeing the code that performs this "merging" I find it hard to tell what's going on in here. Without understanding what are you testing, it's hard to suggest improvements for the tests.
    – Rene Saarsoo
    May 3 at 12:25

  • 1

    My team and I typically find that having a "defaults" file in our API test package to be very useful when writing data-oriented tests. If these domain objects need to be used in future, we can rely on the fact that they're determinstic and centralized.
    – erip
    May 11 at 11:42

up vote
down vote


Goal: Writing more readable tests.

I have a couple of functions, which basically merge and converts two lists of Datasets together, written using Scala and Spark. Each of these Datasets has a lot of fields inside it. For testing, I'm creating three Datasets: New records, existing records, and expected result.

The problem is, tests are long and hard to read. An example:

test("Merging Movies") {

val newMovies: Dataset[ATMMovie] = Seq(
id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("P1"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3

val existingMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 658L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(94567522333L),
movie_title = Some("Old title"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2-old"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0

val expectedODSMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 765L,
movie_source_id = Some("P1"),
movie_entity_id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3
ODSMovie( // Movie we had.
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1

As you see, each test is very hard to read and follow. I'm looking to find a better way to write these tests.

Update: I don't care about the value of most of the fields. I'm going to test the logic of merging.

share|improve this question

bumped to the homepage by Community 2 days ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • I don't know about Scala syntax, but have you considered migrating data to JSON and parse it from the code instead of having it everything in the code?
    – Xtreme Biker
    May 3 at 6:31

  • Without seeing the code that performs this "merging" I find it hard to tell what's going on in here. Without understanding what are you testing, it's hard to suggest improvements for the tests.
    – Rene Saarsoo
    May 3 at 12:25

  • 1

    My team and I typically find that having a "defaults" file in our API test package to be very useful when writing data-oriented tests. If these domain objects need to be used in future, we can rely on the fact that they're determinstic and centralized.
    – erip
    May 11 at 11:42

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Goal: Writing more readable tests.

I have a couple of functions, which basically merge and converts two lists of Datasets together, written using Scala and Spark. Each of these Datasets has a lot of fields inside it. For testing, I'm creating three Datasets: New records, existing records, and expected result.

The problem is, tests are long and hard to read. An example:

test("Merging Movies") {

val newMovies: Dataset[ATMMovie] = Seq(
id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("P1"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3

val existingMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 658L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(94567522333L),
movie_title = Some("Old title"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2-old"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0

val expectedODSMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 765L,
movie_source_id = Some("P1"),
movie_entity_id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3
ODSMovie( // Movie we had.
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1

As you see, each test is very hard to read and follow. I'm looking to find a better way to write these tests.

Update: I don't care about the value of most of the fields. I'm going to test the logic of merging.

share|improve this question

Goal: Writing more readable tests.

I have a couple of functions, which basically merge and converts two lists of Datasets together, written using Scala and Spark. Each of these Datasets has a lot of fields inside it. For testing, I'm creating three Datasets: New records, existing records, and expected result.

The problem is, tests are long and hard to read. An example:

test("Merging Movies") {

val newMovies: Dataset[ATMMovie] = Seq(
id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("P1"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_code = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3

val existingMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 658L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(94567522333L),
movie_title = Some("Old title"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2-old"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0

val expectedODSMovies: Dataset[ODSMovie] = Seq(
movie_row_id = 765L,
movie_source_id = Some("P1"),
movie_entity_id = 123L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522274),
movie_title = Some("New movie from ATM"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2018),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("ID1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 0
movie_row_id = 764L,
movie_entity_id = 456L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(34567522274L),
movie_title = Some("Title updated"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2016),
release_date = Some(1524522000),
primary_language_id = Some(0),
distributor_id = Some(0),
movie_source_id = Some("Movie2"),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("MovieID2"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = None,
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 3
ODSMovie( // Movie we had.
movie_row_id = 2L,
movie_source_id = Some("234"),
movie_entity_id = 7777L,
utc_insert_timestamp = Some(1524522000),
movie_title = Some("Old ODS Movie"),
censor_rating_id = Some(0),
release_year = Some(2017),
release_date = Some(1524522987),
primary_language_id = Some(1),
distributor_id = Some(5),
internal_pos_movie_id = Some("Movie 1"),
temporary = 0,
utc_Last_modified_timestamp = Some(1524522666),
force_update = 0,
utc_last_import_attempt_timestamp = None,
import_attempts = 1

As you see, each test is very hard to read and follow. I'm looking to find a better way to write these tests.

Update: I don't care about the value of most of the fields. I'm going to test the logic of merging.

unit-testing scala

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share|improve this question

edited Oct 29 at 0:32

asked May 2 at 21:47




bumped to the homepage by Community 2 days ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

bumped to the homepage by Community 2 days ago

This question has answers that may be good or bad; the system has marked it active so that they can be reviewed.

  • I don't know about Scala syntax, but have you considered migrating data to JSON and parse it from the code instead of having it everything in the code?
    – Xtreme Biker
    May 3 at 6:31

  • Without seeing the code that performs this "merging" I find it hard to tell what's going on in here. Without understanding what are you testing, it's hard to suggest improvements for the tests.
    – Rene Saarsoo
    May 3 at 12:25

  • 1

    My team and I typically find that having a "defaults" file in our API test package to be very useful when writing data-oriented tests. If these domain objects need to be used in future, we can rely on the fact that they're determinstic and centralized.
    – erip
    May 11 at 11:42

  • I don't know about Scala syntax, but have you considered migrating data to JSON and parse it from the code instead of having it everything in the code?
    – Xtreme Biker
    May 3 at 6:31

  • Without seeing the code that performs this "merging" I find it hard to tell what's going on in here. Without understanding what are you testing, it's hard to suggest improvements for the tests.
    – Rene Saarsoo
    May 3 at 12:25

  • 1

    My team and I typically find that having a "defaults" file in our API test package to be very useful when writing data-oriented tests. If these domain objects need to be used in future, we can rely on the fact that they're determinstic and centralized.
    – erip
    May 11 at 11:42

I don't know about Scala syntax, but have you considered migrating data to JSON and parse it from the code instead of having it everything in the code?
– Xtreme Biker
May 3 at 6:31

I don't know about Scala syntax, but have you considered migrating data to JSON and parse it from the code instead of having it everything in the code?
– Xtreme Biker
May 3 at 6:31

Without seeing the code that performs this "merging" I find it hard to tell what's going on in here. Without understanding what are you testing, it's hard to suggest improvements for the tests.
– Rene Saarsoo
May 3 at 12:25

Without seeing the code that performs this "merging" I find it hard to tell what's going on in here. Without understanding what are you testing, it's hard to suggest improvements for the tests.
– Rene Saarsoo
May 3 at 12:25



My team and I typically find that having a "defaults" file in our API test package to be very useful when writing data-oriented tests. If these domain objects need to be used in future, we can rely on the fact that they're determinstic and centralized.
– erip
May 11 at 11:42

My team and I typically find that having a "defaults" file in our API test package to be very useful when writing data-oriented tests. If these domain objects need to be used in future, we can rely on the fact that they're determinstic and centralized.
– erip
May 11 at 11:42

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

Our best solution to his was to use a generator-like class or function.

val newMovies = DataFrameBuilder().add(1).add(2)

It generates values for fields based on the number we provide. If type is a number, value will become the number itself. If it's a string, value will become name of the field plus the number (e.g. MOVIE_TITLE 1)

Another solution was to use a function that takes some of the fields we care about, and fills the rest with constant values. Like, it takes id and utc_insert_timestamp, and fills everything e

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    Our best solution to his was to use a generator-like class or function.

    val newMovies = DataFrameBuilder().add(1).add(2)

    It generates values for fields based on the number we provide. If type is a number, value will become the number itself. If it's a string, value will become name of the field plus the number (e.g. MOVIE_TITLE 1)

    Another solution was to use a function that takes some of the fields we care about, and fills the rest with constant values. Like, it takes id and utc_insert_timestamp, and fills everything e

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      Our best solution to his was to use a generator-like class or function.

      val newMovies = DataFrameBuilder().add(1).add(2)

      It generates values for fields based on the number we provide. If type is a number, value will become the number itself. If it's a string, value will become name of the field plus the number (e.g. MOVIE_TITLE 1)

      Another solution was to use a function that takes some of the fields we care about, and fills the rest with constant values. Like, it takes id and utc_insert_timestamp, and fills everything e

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        Our best solution to his was to use a generator-like class or function.

        val newMovies = DataFrameBuilder().add(1).add(2)

        It generates values for fields based on the number we provide. If type is a number, value will become the number itself. If it's a string, value will become name of the field plus the number (e.g. MOVIE_TITLE 1)

        Another solution was to use a function that takes some of the fields we care about, and fills the rest with constant values. Like, it takes id and utc_insert_timestamp, and fills everything e

        share|improve this answer

        Our best solution to his was to use a generator-like class or function.

        val newMovies = DataFrameBuilder().add(1).add(2)

        It generates values for fields based on the number we provide. If type is a number, value will become the number itself. If it's a string, value will become name of the field plus the number (e.g. MOVIE_TITLE 1)

        Another solution was to use a function that takes some of the fields we care about, and fills the rest with constant values. Like, it takes id and utc_insert_timestamp, and fills everything e

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Oct 29 at 0:37




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