Solution for Cauchy Problem $u_t-u_{xx} = 0$ belongs to the Gevrey class of order $1/2$


Let $u(x,t)$be the solution for the Cauchy Problem

$$u_t-u_{xx} = 0 mbox{ in $mathbb{R}times ]0, infty[$}$$ $$u(x,0)
= u_0(x) mbox{ in $mathbb{R}$} $$

where $u_0in S(mathbb{R})$(schwartz space in $mathbb{R})$. Conclude that, for each fixed $t_0>0$,
the function $xto u(x,t_0)$ belongs to the Gevrey class of order
$1/2$ in $mathbb{R}$

I already defined the Gevrey class here: $sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s$ then $u$ is analytic for $sle 1$ but here is the definition again:

A function $uin C^{infty}$ belongs to the Gevrey Class of order $s$
if for every compact $K$ of $Omega$ there is a constant $C$ such that

$$sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s, alphainmathbb{Z}_+^N$$

this exercise comes after this one:

define, for $xinmathbb{R}$,

$$v(x) = int_{mathbb{R}}e^{ixlambda-alambda^2}dlambda$$

Show that $v$ belongs to the Gevrey cass of order $1/2$ in

So maybe they have something in common. The last exercise above looks like a fourier transform.


$$||partial_x^n phi||_{L^2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{4pi t}}int|partial_{x}^n| e^{-(xsqrt{4t})^2}dx)^{1/2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{pi}}int|partial_x^n e^{-x^2}|dx)^{1/2} = ||partial_x^n phi_{1/4}||L^2$$

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    Let $u(x,t)$be the solution for the Cauchy Problem

    $$u_t-u_{xx} = 0 mbox{ in $mathbb{R}times ]0, infty[$}$$ $$u(x,0)
    = u_0(x) mbox{ in $mathbb{R}$} $$

    where $u_0in S(mathbb{R})$(schwartz space in $mathbb{R})$. Conclude that, for each fixed $t_0>0$,
    the function $xto u(x,t_0)$ belongs to the Gevrey class of order
    $1/2$ in $mathbb{R}$

    I already defined the Gevrey class here: $sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s$ then $u$ is analytic for $sle 1$ but here is the definition again:

    A function $uin C^{infty}$ belongs to the Gevrey Class of order $s$
    if for every compact $K$ of $Omega$ there is a constant $C$ such that

    $$sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s, alphainmathbb{Z}_+^N$$

    this exercise comes after this one:

    define, for $xinmathbb{R}$,

    $$v(x) = int_{mathbb{R}}e^{ixlambda-alambda^2}dlambda$$

    Show that $v$ belongs to the Gevrey cass of order $1/2$ in

    So maybe they have something in common. The last exercise above looks like a fourier transform.


    $$||partial_x^n phi||_{L^2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{4pi t}}int|partial_{x}^n| e^{-(xsqrt{4t})^2}dx)^{1/2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{pi}}int|partial_x^n e^{-x^2}|dx)^{1/2} = ||partial_x^n phi_{1/4}||L^2$$

    share|cite|improve this question





      Let $u(x,t)$be the solution for the Cauchy Problem

      $$u_t-u_{xx} = 0 mbox{ in $mathbb{R}times ]0, infty[$}$$ $$u(x,0)
      = u_0(x) mbox{ in $mathbb{R}$} $$

      where $u_0in S(mathbb{R})$(schwartz space in $mathbb{R})$. Conclude that, for each fixed $t_0>0$,
      the function $xto u(x,t_0)$ belongs to the Gevrey class of order
      $1/2$ in $mathbb{R}$

      I already defined the Gevrey class here: $sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s$ then $u$ is analytic for $sle 1$ but here is the definition again:

      A function $uin C^{infty}$ belongs to the Gevrey Class of order $s$
      if for every compact $K$ of $Omega$ there is a constant $C$ such that

      $$sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s, alphainmathbb{Z}_+^N$$

      this exercise comes after this one:

      define, for $xinmathbb{R}$,

      $$v(x) = int_{mathbb{R}}e^{ixlambda-alambda^2}dlambda$$

      Show that $v$ belongs to the Gevrey cass of order $1/2$ in

      So maybe they have something in common. The last exercise above looks like a fourier transform.


      $$||partial_x^n phi||_{L^2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{4pi t}}int|partial_{x}^n| e^{-(xsqrt{4t})^2}dx)^{1/2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{pi}}int|partial_x^n e^{-x^2}|dx)^{1/2} = ||partial_x^n phi_{1/4}||L^2$$

      share|cite|improve this question

      Let $u(x,t)$be the solution for the Cauchy Problem

      $$u_t-u_{xx} = 0 mbox{ in $mathbb{R}times ]0, infty[$}$$ $$u(x,0)
      = u_0(x) mbox{ in $mathbb{R}$} $$

      where $u_0in S(mathbb{R})$(schwartz space in $mathbb{R})$. Conclude that, for each fixed $t_0>0$,
      the function $xto u(x,t_0)$ belongs to the Gevrey class of order
      $1/2$ in $mathbb{R}$

      I already defined the Gevrey class here: $sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s$ then $u$ is analytic for $sle 1$ but here is the definition again:

      A function $uin C^{infty}$ belongs to the Gevrey Class of order $s$
      if for every compact $K$ of $Omega$ there is a constant $C$ such that

      $$sup_K |partial^{alpha}u|le C^{|alpha|+1}alpha!^s, alphainmathbb{Z}_+^N$$

      this exercise comes after this one:

      define, for $xinmathbb{R}$,

      $$v(x) = int_{mathbb{R}}e^{ixlambda-alambda^2}dlambda$$

      Show that $v$ belongs to the Gevrey cass of order $1/2$ in

      So maybe they have something in common. The last exercise above looks like a fourier transform.


      $$||partial_x^n phi||_{L^2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{4pi t}}int|partial_{x}^n| e^{-(xsqrt{4t})^2}dx)^{1/2} = (frac{1}{sqrt{pi}}int|partial_x^n e^{-x^2}|dx)^{1/2} = ||partial_x^n phi_{1/4}||L^2$$

      real-analysis integration pde supremum-and-infimum wave-equation

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      share|cite|improve this question

      edited Dec 5 '18 at 14:49

      Lucas Zanella

      asked Nov 29 '18 at 15:13

      Lucas ZanellaLucas Zanella



          2 Answers





          By your second box, we have the result that

          If $v_a$ is defined by
          $$v_a(x) = int_{mathbb{R}} e^{ixlambda -alambda^2};dlambda$$
          the $v_a$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$.

          In fact, if you look at the result from Finding $sup_{lambda ge 0}{lambda^k e^{−alambda^2/2}}$, you see that we actually have something better:

          $$sup_{x in mathbb{R}} partial^alpha v(x) le C^{|alpha| + 1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$

          Moreover, $v_t$ is actually (up to a scaling factor) the fundamental solution of the heat equation. We can obtain it by taking the Fourier transform in $x$ with frequency variable $lambda$, solving the resulting ODE, and inverting the transform.

          Thus, it would suffice to prove the following result:

          $$sup_{x} partial^alpha v_t * g (x) le C^{alpha + 1}alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$ for any Schwartz class $g$.

          Note that
          sup_{x} |partial^alpha (v_t * g)(x)| &=leftlVert(partial^alpha v_t) * g (x)rightrVert_{L^infty}\
          &le lVert partial^alpha v_trVert_{L^infty} lVert g rVert_{L^1}\
          &le C^{|alpha|+1}lVert g rVert_{L^1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}

          by Holder's inequality. It follows that $u(x,t) = v_t * g$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$ for any fixed $t > 0$.

          share|cite|improve this answer



            In this answer, all norms are spatial norms (i.e. there is no integration/supremum wrt the parameter $t_0$ that was already fixed in the question, and I have dropped the subscript $0$).

            The unique solution to the heat equation with nice initial data is well known as the convolution with the Gaussian kernel,
            $$ u(x,t) = phi_t * u_0(x) = frac1 {sqrt{4pi t}}int_{mathbb R} e^{-|x-y|^2/4t} u_0(y) dy.$$

            Then by Cauchy-Schwarz ($|int fg|le |f|_{L^2}|g|_{L^2}$ ),
            &|partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} \
            & = |(partial_x^n phi_t) * u_0|_{L^infty} \
            & = left |int_{mathbb R}partial^n_xphi_t(x-y) u_0(y) dyright |_{L_x^infty} \
            & le left | |partial^n_xphi_t(x-y)|_{L^2_y} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
            & = left | |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
            & = |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
            &le C^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
            &le C_1^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} end{align}

            Above, we used Chain rule,
            $$partial^n_xphi_t(x) = C(t) partial^n_x exp(-x^2/(4t)) = frac{1}{(sqrt{4t})^{n}} (partial_x^nphi_{1/4})(x/sqrt{4t}) $$
            and also $ int_{mathbb R} f(lambda x)^2 dx = frac1lambda int_{mathbb R} f^2(y) dy $, so that
            $$ |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} le C^{n+1}|partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} $$
            Note that $$partial_x^n phi_{1/4}(x) = (-1)^nH_n(x) phi_{1/4}(x),$$ where $H_n$ is the $n$th (physicist) Hermite polynomial.
            The Hermite polynomials have the well known $L^2$ norm when weighted with $phi_{1/4}$ (which I quote from that same wikipedia page),
            $$int H_n^2 phi_{1/4}^2 le |phi_{1/4}|_{L^infty} int H_n^2 phi_{1/4} le C sqrt{2pi} n! $$
            $$ |partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} le C_2^{n+1} sqrt{n!}.$$

            Response to update in OP: note that you seem to have avoided chain rule by using
            $$ int |partial_x^n [phi_{1/4} (lambda x) ]|^2 dx overset{?}{=} int |[partial_x^n phi_{1/4}] (lambda x)|^2 dx $$
            Note the very intentional bracketing. This isn't true, try writing it out explicitly for $n=1$.

            share|cite|improve this answer

            • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
              – Aloizio Macedo
              Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

            • @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
              – Calvin Khor
              Dec 6 '18 at 14:38

            • 1

              There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
              – Aloizio Macedo
              Dec 6 '18 at 14:41

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            By your second box, we have the result that

            If $v_a$ is defined by
            $$v_a(x) = int_{mathbb{R}} e^{ixlambda -alambda^2};dlambda$$
            the $v_a$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$.

            In fact, if you look at the result from Finding $sup_{lambda ge 0}{lambda^k e^{−alambda^2/2}}$, you see that we actually have something better:

            $$sup_{x in mathbb{R}} partial^alpha v(x) le C^{|alpha| + 1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$

            Moreover, $v_t$ is actually (up to a scaling factor) the fundamental solution of the heat equation. We can obtain it by taking the Fourier transform in $x$ with frequency variable $lambda$, solving the resulting ODE, and inverting the transform.

            Thus, it would suffice to prove the following result:

            $$sup_{x} partial^alpha v_t * g (x) le C^{alpha + 1}alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$ for any Schwartz class $g$.

            Note that
            sup_{x} |partial^alpha (v_t * g)(x)| &=leftlVert(partial^alpha v_t) * g (x)rightrVert_{L^infty}\
            &le lVert partial^alpha v_trVert_{L^infty} lVert g rVert_{L^1}\
            &le C^{|alpha|+1}lVert g rVert_{L^1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}

            by Holder's inequality. It follows that $u(x,t) = v_t * g$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$ for any fixed $t > 0$.

            share|cite|improve this answer


              By your second box, we have the result that

              If $v_a$ is defined by
              $$v_a(x) = int_{mathbb{R}} e^{ixlambda -alambda^2};dlambda$$
              the $v_a$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$.

              In fact, if you look at the result from Finding $sup_{lambda ge 0}{lambda^k e^{−alambda^2/2}}$, you see that we actually have something better:

              $$sup_{x in mathbb{R}} partial^alpha v(x) le C^{|alpha| + 1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$

              Moreover, $v_t$ is actually (up to a scaling factor) the fundamental solution of the heat equation. We can obtain it by taking the Fourier transform in $x$ with frequency variable $lambda$, solving the resulting ODE, and inverting the transform.

              Thus, it would suffice to prove the following result:

              $$sup_{x} partial^alpha v_t * g (x) le C^{alpha + 1}alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$ for any Schwartz class $g$.

              Note that
              sup_{x} |partial^alpha (v_t * g)(x)| &=leftlVert(partial^alpha v_t) * g (x)rightrVert_{L^infty}\
              &le lVert partial^alpha v_trVert_{L^infty} lVert g rVert_{L^1}\
              &le C^{|alpha|+1}lVert g rVert_{L^1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}

              by Holder's inequality. It follows that $u(x,t) = v_t * g$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$ for any fixed $t > 0$.

              share|cite|improve this answer




                By your second box, we have the result that

                If $v_a$ is defined by
                $$v_a(x) = int_{mathbb{R}} e^{ixlambda -alambda^2};dlambda$$
                the $v_a$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$.

                In fact, if you look at the result from Finding $sup_{lambda ge 0}{lambda^k e^{−alambda^2/2}}$, you see that we actually have something better:

                $$sup_{x in mathbb{R}} partial^alpha v(x) le C^{|alpha| + 1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$

                Moreover, $v_t$ is actually (up to a scaling factor) the fundamental solution of the heat equation. We can obtain it by taking the Fourier transform in $x$ with frequency variable $lambda$, solving the resulting ODE, and inverting the transform.

                Thus, it would suffice to prove the following result:

                $$sup_{x} partial^alpha v_t * g (x) le C^{alpha + 1}alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$ for any Schwartz class $g$.

                Note that
                sup_{x} |partial^alpha (v_t * g)(x)| &=leftlVert(partial^alpha v_t) * g (x)rightrVert_{L^infty}\
                &le lVert partial^alpha v_trVert_{L^infty} lVert g rVert_{L^1}\
                &le C^{|alpha|+1}lVert g rVert_{L^1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}

                by Holder's inequality. It follows that $u(x,t) = v_t * g$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$ for any fixed $t > 0$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                By your second box, we have the result that

                If $v_a$ is defined by
                $$v_a(x) = int_{mathbb{R}} e^{ixlambda -alambda^2};dlambda$$
                the $v_a$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$.

                In fact, if you look at the result from Finding $sup_{lambda ge 0}{lambda^k e^{−alambda^2/2}}$, you see that we actually have something better:

                $$sup_{x in mathbb{R}} partial^alpha v(x) le C^{|alpha| + 1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$

                Moreover, $v_t$ is actually (up to a scaling factor) the fundamental solution of the heat equation. We can obtain it by taking the Fourier transform in $x$ with frequency variable $lambda$, solving the resulting ODE, and inverting the transform.

                Thus, it would suffice to prove the following result:

                $$sup_{x} partial^alpha v_t * g (x) le C^{alpha + 1}alpha!^frac{1}{2}$$ for any Schwartz class $g$.

                Note that
                sup_{x} |partial^alpha (v_t * g)(x)| &=leftlVert(partial^alpha v_t) * g (x)rightrVert_{L^infty}\
                &le lVert partial^alpha v_trVert_{L^infty} lVert g rVert_{L^1}\
                &le C^{|alpha|+1}lVert g rVert_{L^1} alpha!^frac{1}{2}

                by Holder's inequality. It follows that $u(x,t) = v_t * g$ is in the Gervy class of order $frac{1}{2}$ for any fixed $t > 0$.

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                share|cite|improve this answer

                edited Dec 10 '18 at 14:39

                answered Dec 7 '18 at 16:11






                    In this answer, all norms are spatial norms (i.e. there is no integration/supremum wrt the parameter $t_0$ that was already fixed in the question, and I have dropped the subscript $0$).

                    The unique solution to the heat equation with nice initial data is well known as the convolution with the Gaussian kernel,
                    $$ u(x,t) = phi_t * u_0(x) = frac1 {sqrt{4pi t}}int_{mathbb R} e^{-|x-y|^2/4t} u_0(y) dy.$$

                    Then by Cauchy-Schwarz ($|int fg|le |f|_{L^2}|g|_{L^2}$ ),
                    &|partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} \
                    & = |(partial_x^n phi_t) * u_0|_{L^infty} \
                    & = left |int_{mathbb R}partial^n_xphi_t(x-y) u_0(y) dyright |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & le left | |partial^n_xphi_t(x-y)|_{L^2_y} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = left | |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C_1^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} end{align}

                    Above, we used Chain rule,
                    $$partial^n_xphi_t(x) = C(t) partial^n_x exp(-x^2/(4t)) = frac{1}{(sqrt{4t})^{n}} (partial_x^nphi_{1/4})(x/sqrt{4t}) $$
                    and also $ int_{mathbb R} f(lambda x)^2 dx = frac1lambda int_{mathbb R} f^2(y) dy $, so that
                    $$ |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} le C^{n+1}|partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} $$
                    Note that $$partial_x^n phi_{1/4}(x) = (-1)^nH_n(x) phi_{1/4}(x),$$ where $H_n$ is the $n$th (physicist) Hermite polynomial.
                    The Hermite polynomials have the well known $L^2$ norm when weighted with $phi_{1/4}$ (which I quote from that same wikipedia page),
                    $$int H_n^2 phi_{1/4}^2 le |phi_{1/4}|_{L^infty} int H_n^2 phi_{1/4} le C sqrt{2pi} n! $$
                    $$ |partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} le C_2^{n+1} sqrt{n!}.$$

                    Response to update in OP: note that you seem to have avoided chain rule by using
                    $$ int |partial_x^n [phi_{1/4} (lambda x) ]|^2 dx overset{?}{=} int |[partial_x^n phi_{1/4}] (lambda x)|^2 dx $$
                    Note the very intentional bracketing. This isn't true, try writing it out explicitly for $n=1$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

                    • @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
                      – Calvin Khor
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:38

                    • 1

                      There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:41



                    In this answer, all norms are spatial norms (i.e. there is no integration/supremum wrt the parameter $t_0$ that was already fixed in the question, and I have dropped the subscript $0$).

                    The unique solution to the heat equation with nice initial data is well known as the convolution with the Gaussian kernel,
                    $$ u(x,t) = phi_t * u_0(x) = frac1 {sqrt{4pi t}}int_{mathbb R} e^{-|x-y|^2/4t} u_0(y) dy.$$

                    Then by Cauchy-Schwarz ($|int fg|le |f|_{L^2}|g|_{L^2}$ ),
                    &|partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} \
                    & = |(partial_x^n phi_t) * u_0|_{L^infty} \
                    & = left |int_{mathbb R}partial^n_xphi_t(x-y) u_0(y) dyright |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & le left | |partial^n_xphi_t(x-y)|_{L^2_y} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = left | |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C_1^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} end{align}

                    Above, we used Chain rule,
                    $$partial^n_xphi_t(x) = C(t) partial^n_x exp(-x^2/(4t)) = frac{1}{(sqrt{4t})^{n}} (partial_x^nphi_{1/4})(x/sqrt{4t}) $$
                    and also $ int_{mathbb R} f(lambda x)^2 dx = frac1lambda int_{mathbb R} f^2(y) dy $, so that
                    $$ |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} le C^{n+1}|partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} $$
                    Note that $$partial_x^n phi_{1/4}(x) = (-1)^nH_n(x) phi_{1/4}(x),$$ where $H_n$ is the $n$th (physicist) Hermite polynomial.
                    The Hermite polynomials have the well known $L^2$ norm when weighted with $phi_{1/4}$ (which I quote from that same wikipedia page),
                    $$int H_n^2 phi_{1/4}^2 le |phi_{1/4}|_{L^infty} int H_n^2 phi_{1/4} le C sqrt{2pi} n! $$
                    $$ |partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} le C_2^{n+1} sqrt{n!}.$$

                    Response to update in OP: note that you seem to have avoided chain rule by using
                    $$ int |partial_x^n [phi_{1/4} (lambda x) ]|^2 dx overset{?}{=} int |[partial_x^n phi_{1/4}] (lambda x)|^2 dx $$
                    Note the very intentional bracketing. This isn't true, try writing it out explicitly for $n=1$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

                    • @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
                      – Calvin Khor
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:38

                    • 1

                      There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:41







                    In this answer, all norms are spatial norms (i.e. there is no integration/supremum wrt the parameter $t_0$ that was already fixed in the question, and I have dropped the subscript $0$).

                    The unique solution to the heat equation with nice initial data is well known as the convolution with the Gaussian kernel,
                    $$ u(x,t) = phi_t * u_0(x) = frac1 {sqrt{4pi t}}int_{mathbb R} e^{-|x-y|^2/4t} u_0(y) dy.$$

                    Then by Cauchy-Schwarz ($|int fg|le |f|_{L^2}|g|_{L^2}$ ),
                    &|partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} \
                    & = |(partial_x^n phi_t) * u_0|_{L^infty} \
                    & = left |int_{mathbb R}partial^n_xphi_t(x-y) u_0(y) dyright |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & le left | |partial^n_xphi_t(x-y)|_{L^2_y} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = left | |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C_1^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} end{align}

                    Above, we used Chain rule,
                    $$partial^n_xphi_t(x) = C(t) partial^n_x exp(-x^2/(4t)) = frac{1}{(sqrt{4t})^{n}} (partial_x^nphi_{1/4})(x/sqrt{4t}) $$
                    and also $ int_{mathbb R} f(lambda x)^2 dx = frac1lambda int_{mathbb R} f^2(y) dy $, so that
                    $$ |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} le C^{n+1}|partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} $$
                    Note that $$partial_x^n phi_{1/4}(x) = (-1)^nH_n(x) phi_{1/4}(x),$$ where $H_n$ is the $n$th (physicist) Hermite polynomial.
                    The Hermite polynomials have the well known $L^2$ norm when weighted with $phi_{1/4}$ (which I quote from that same wikipedia page),
                    $$int H_n^2 phi_{1/4}^2 le |phi_{1/4}|_{L^infty} int H_n^2 phi_{1/4} le C sqrt{2pi} n! $$
                    $$ |partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} le C_2^{n+1} sqrt{n!}.$$

                    Response to update in OP: note that you seem to have avoided chain rule by using
                    $$ int |partial_x^n [phi_{1/4} (lambda x) ]|^2 dx overset{?}{=} int |[partial_x^n phi_{1/4}] (lambda x)|^2 dx $$
                    Note the very intentional bracketing. This isn't true, try writing it out explicitly for $n=1$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    In this answer, all norms are spatial norms (i.e. there is no integration/supremum wrt the parameter $t_0$ that was already fixed in the question, and I have dropped the subscript $0$).

                    The unique solution to the heat equation with nice initial data is well known as the convolution with the Gaussian kernel,
                    $$ u(x,t) = phi_t * u_0(x) = frac1 {sqrt{4pi t}}int_{mathbb R} e^{-|x-y|^2/4t} u_0(y) dy.$$

                    Then by Cauchy-Schwarz ($|int fg|le |f|_{L^2}|g|_{L^2}$ ),
                    &|partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} \
                    & = |(partial_x^n phi_t) * u_0|_{L^infty} \
                    & = left |int_{mathbb R}partial^n_xphi_t(x-y) u_0(y) dyright |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & le left | |partial^n_xphi_t(x-y)|_{L^2_y} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = left | |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2}right |_{L_x^infty} \
                    & = |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} |u_0|_{L^2} \
                    &le C_1^{n+1} |partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} end{align}

                    Above, we used Chain rule,
                    $$partial^n_xphi_t(x) = C(t) partial^n_x exp(-x^2/(4t)) = frac{1}{(sqrt{4t})^{n}} (partial_x^nphi_{1/4})(x/sqrt{4t}) $$
                    and also $ int_{mathbb R} f(lambda x)^2 dx = frac1lambda int_{mathbb R} f^2(y) dy $, so that
                    $$ |partial^n_xphi_t|_{L^2} le C^{n+1}|partial_x^n phi_{1/4}|_{L^2} $$
                    Note that $$partial_x^n phi_{1/4}(x) = (-1)^nH_n(x) phi_{1/4}(x),$$ where $H_n$ is the $n$th (physicist) Hermite polynomial.
                    The Hermite polynomials have the well known $L^2$ norm when weighted with $phi_{1/4}$ (which I quote from that same wikipedia page),
                    $$int H_n^2 phi_{1/4}^2 le |phi_{1/4}|_{L^infty} int H_n^2 phi_{1/4} le C sqrt{2pi} n! $$
                    $$ |partial_x^n u(x,t)|_{L^infty} le C_2^{n+1} sqrt{n!}.$$

                    Response to update in OP: note that you seem to have avoided chain rule by using
                    $$ int |partial_x^n [phi_{1/4} (lambda x) ]|^2 dx overset{?}{=} int |[partial_x^n phi_{1/4}] (lambda x)|^2 dx $$
                    Note the very intentional bracketing. This isn't true, try writing it out explicitly for $n=1$.

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    share|cite|improve this answer

                    edited Dec 5 '18 at 17:05

                    answered Dec 1 '18 at 17:49

                    Calvin KhorCalvin Khor



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                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

                    • @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
                      – Calvin Khor
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:38

                    • 1

                      There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:41

                    • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

                    • @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
                      – Calvin Khor
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:38

                    • 1

                      There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
                      – Aloizio Macedo
                      Dec 6 '18 at 14:41

                    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
                    – Aloizio Macedo
                    Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

                    Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
                    – Aloizio Macedo
                    Dec 6 '18 at 14:35

                    @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
                    – Calvin Khor
                    Dec 6 '18 at 14:38

                    @AloizioMacedo sorry, I do understand that. Do you know if chat will implement LaTeX or if a workaround exists?
                    – Calvin Khor
                    Dec 6 '18 at 14:38



                    There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
                    – Aloizio Macedo
                    Dec 6 '18 at 14:41

                    There are browser tools for that. Search for "latex chrome extension" if you use google chrome, for example, and you will find extensions which do that.
                    – Aloizio Macedo
                    Dec 6 '18 at 14:41

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