Insurance Premium Quote Challenge

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I was failed at coding challenge for my interview with the following reasons given by the interviewer: deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.

I understand that my code and design have so many flaws and I genuinely want to get your opinion so I could improve my code.

The challenge is about asking me to build a quote processor to calculate a premium for different products, based on different rule sets.

Since the requirements are very lengthy, I try to summarize it below:

Data model

  • A user (with an id, an address, and a risk value)

  • An address (with an id and a location risk value)

  • A product (with an id and a price value)

(Risk values are in our patented Universal Risk Value Scale [tm])

For products we have modelled in our system the following types:
- Houses (with address and size in square meters)
- Bananas (with number of black spots)
- Bicycles (with number of gears)

Asides from above, the premium quote would need to take in rules, base surcharge, universal risk value for each product and each user to quote a premium for user.


We want to build a quote processor that will receive a user and a set of products, and return whether we reject the user or not, and if not, for how much premium will we insure the products in euros per year.

To ensure this, we have a set of rules to follow.

Each product will have a base premium value, that multiplied by the product value will give a subtotal for the product's premium. To this subtotal, we must add a surcharge that depends on the product type and maybe on other rules. Each surcharge is multiplied to the base value.

Then, for all the products, if for one the rules say that it is un-insurable, then the final result given is that we won't offer an insurance. If no product is un-insurable, then we add all the premiums and that is the quote we return to the user.

Below are my classes, I am putting here one or two model classes just to present my design.

It is my first time using SO so I do not know how to put code in a good way yet, please understand.

  1. Interfaces:

public interface Product {
BigDecimal getProductValue();
BigDecimal getBasePremium();
BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium();

public interface Risk {

void setRiskValue(int riskValue);
BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge();

static BigDecimal getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(-1);

static BigDecimal getDefaultRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(0);

static boolean isWithinRange(int riskValue, int minValue, int maxValue)
return riskValue >= minValue && riskValue <= maxValue;

  1. Model classes:

    • Base class InsuredProduct implements above interfaces.

public abstract class InsuredProduct implements Product, Risk {
private int id;
private BigDecimal productValue;
private int riskValue;

public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;

public InsuredProduct(int id, BigDecimal productValue)
{ = id;
this.productValue =productValue;

public BigDecimal getProductValue() {
return productValue;

public void setProductValue(BigDecimal productValue) {
this.productValue = productValue;

public BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium()
return getProductValue().multiply(getBasePremium());

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public int getRiskValue() {
return this.riskValue;


  • Then Banana class as insured product extends from base class:

public class Banana extends InsuredProduct {
private static BigDecimal BASE_PREMIUM = new BigDecimal(1.15);

private int noOfBlackSpots;
private int userRiskValue;

public Banana(int id, BigDecimal productValue) {
super(id, productValue);

public int getNoOfBlackSpots() {
return noOfBlackSpots;

public void setNoOfBlackSpots(int noOfBlackSpots) {
this.noOfBlackSpots = noOfBlackSpots;

public BigDecimal getBasePremium() {

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
if(this.userRiskValue > 200)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

final int minAcceptableBlackSpots = 3;
final int maxAcceptableBlackSpots = 12;

if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.noOfBlackSpots, minAcceptableBlackSpots, maxAcceptableBlackSpots))
return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.userRiskValue = riskValue;

  • A User class (with Address) as an insured person. User's address is also part of risk surcharge to determine the quote calculation.

public class User implements Risk {
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(3.0);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.3);

private int id;
private Address address;
private int riskValue;

public User(int id, Address address)

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public Address getAddress() {
return address;

public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;

public int getRiskValue() {
return riskValue;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedRiskValue = 501;
final int startMinimumRiskValue = 20;
final int endMinimumRangeRiskValue = 200;
final int startMaximumRiskValue = 201;
final int endMaximumRangeRiskValue = 500;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedRiskValue)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumRiskValue)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumRiskValue, endMinimumRangeRiskValue))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumRiskValue, endMaximumRangeRiskValue))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();


public class Address implements Risk{
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(2.5);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.7);

private int id;
private int locationRisk;

public Address(int id)
{ = id;

public int getRiskValue() {
return locationRisk;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.locationRisk = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedLocationRisk = 502;
final int startMinimumLocationRisk = 100;
final int endMinimumRangeLocationRisk = 299;
final int startMaximumLocationRisk = 300;
final int endMaximumRangeLocationRisk = 501;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedLocationRisk)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumLocationRisk)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumLocationRisk, endMinimumRangeLocationRisk))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumLocationRisk, endMaximumRangeLocationRisk))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

  1. Processor: To calculate the premium quote or to determine if it's is insurable.

public class UserPremiumBuilder<T extends InsuredProduct> {

private User user;
T product;

private UserPremiumBuilder(User user){
this.user = user;

public static <T extends InsuredProduct> UserPremiumBuilder<T> createProfile(User user){
UserPremiumBuilder<T> builder = new UserPremiumBuilder<T>(user);
return builder;

public UserPremiumBuilder <T> setProduct(T product) {
this.product = product;
return this;

public BigDecimal calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser() {
BigDecimal userRiskSurcharge = user.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

BigDecimal productRiskSurcharge =this.product.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

return this.product.getSubTotalPremium();

BigDecimal totalPremium = this.product.getSubTotalPremium().multiply(this.product.getRiskSurcharge()).multiply(user.getRiskSurcharge());
return totalPremium;


  1. A sample unit test class:

public class UserPremiumBuilderBananaTest {
Banana banana;

public void initBanana()
banana = new Banana(1, new BigDecimal(10));

public void testUnInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskValueLargerThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


BigDecimal totalPremium = createProfile(user).setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
assertEquals(Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge(), totalPremium);

public void testInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskNotGreaterThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> builder = createProfile(user);
BigDecimal totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
BigDecimal productPremium = banana.getSubTotalPremium().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);

totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);


private static UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> createProfile(User user)
return UserPremiumBuilder.createProfile(user);

private User initUser(int addressRiskValue)
Address address = new Address(1);
User user = new User(1, address);
return user;

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New contributor

Anna is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • At a first glance, try to avoid instantiating BigDecimals when you can reuse existing instances. Thus, instead of new BigDecimal(0) use BigDecimal.ZERO. Similar instances exists for ONE and TEN as well. Also, don't use the double constructor of BigDecimal, because double can be imprecise and your 3.0 could become 3.0000000001. Use either new BigDecimal("3.0") or BigDecimal.valueOf(3.0).
    – Tom
    12 hours ago

  • @Tom: Thank you, definitely very useful advice! If you could also shed some light on the interviewer's feedback to my code: "deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.", I really appreciate that!
    – Anna
    11 hours ago

  • I'm sorry, I don't have the time for further inspections of the code, but I'm sure someone else will gladly help you.
    – Tom
    11 hours ago

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down vote


I was failed at coding challenge for my interview with the following reasons given by the interviewer: deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.

I understand that my code and design have so many flaws and I genuinely want to get your opinion so I could improve my code.

The challenge is about asking me to build a quote processor to calculate a premium for different products, based on different rule sets.

Since the requirements are very lengthy, I try to summarize it below:

Data model

  • A user (with an id, an address, and a risk value)

  • An address (with an id and a location risk value)

  • A product (with an id and a price value)

(Risk values are in our patented Universal Risk Value Scale [tm])

For products we have modelled in our system the following types:
- Houses (with address and size in square meters)
- Bananas (with number of black spots)
- Bicycles (with number of gears)

Asides from above, the premium quote would need to take in rules, base surcharge, universal risk value for each product and each user to quote a premium for user.


We want to build a quote processor that will receive a user and a set of products, and return whether we reject the user or not, and if not, for how much premium will we insure the products in euros per year.

To ensure this, we have a set of rules to follow.

Each product will have a base premium value, that multiplied by the product value will give a subtotal for the product's premium. To this subtotal, we must add a surcharge that depends on the product type and maybe on other rules. Each surcharge is multiplied to the base value.

Then, for all the products, if for one the rules say that it is un-insurable, then the final result given is that we won't offer an insurance. If no product is un-insurable, then we add all the premiums and that is the quote we return to the user.

Below are my classes, I am putting here one or two model classes just to present my design.

It is my first time using SO so I do not know how to put code in a good way yet, please understand.

  1. Interfaces:

public interface Product {
BigDecimal getProductValue();
BigDecimal getBasePremium();
BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium();

public interface Risk {

void setRiskValue(int riskValue);
BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge();

static BigDecimal getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(-1);

static BigDecimal getDefaultRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(0);

static boolean isWithinRange(int riskValue, int minValue, int maxValue)
return riskValue >= minValue && riskValue <= maxValue;

  1. Model classes:

    • Base class InsuredProduct implements above interfaces.

public abstract class InsuredProduct implements Product, Risk {
private int id;
private BigDecimal productValue;
private int riskValue;

public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;

public InsuredProduct(int id, BigDecimal productValue)
{ = id;
this.productValue =productValue;

public BigDecimal getProductValue() {
return productValue;

public void setProductValue(BigDecimal productValue) {
this.productValue = productValue;

public BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium()
return getProductValue().multiply(getBasePremium());

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public int getRiskValue() {
return this.riskValue;


  • Then Banana class as insured product extends from base class:

public class Banana extends InsuredProduct {
private static BigDecimal BASE_PREMIUM = new BigDecimal(1.15);

private int noOfBlackSpots;
private int userRiskValue;

public Banana(int id, BigDecimal productValue) {
super(id, productValue);

public int getNoOfBlackSpots() {
return noOfBlackSpots;

public void setNoOfBlackSpots(int noOfBlackSpots) {
this.noOfBlackSpots = noOfBlackSpots;

public BigDecimal getBasePremium() {

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
if(this.userRiskValue > 200)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

final int minAcceptableBlackSpots = 3;
final int maxAcceptableBlackSpots = 12;

if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.noOfBlackSpots, minAcceptableBlackSpots, maxAcceptableBlackSpots))
return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.userRiskValue = riskValue;

  • A User class (with Address) as an insured person. User's address is also part of risk surcharge to determine the quote calculation.

public class User implements Risk {
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(3.0);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.3);

private int id;
private Address address;
private int riskValue;

public User(int id, Address address)

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public Address getAddress() {
return address;

public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;

public int getRiskValue() {
return riskValue;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedRiskValue = 501;
final int startMinimumRiskValue = 20;
final int endMinimumRangeRiskValue = 200;
final int startMaximumRiskValue = 201;
final int endMaximumRangeRiskValue = 500;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedRiskValue)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumRiskValue)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumRiskValue, endMinimumRangeRiskValue))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumRiskValue, endMaximumRangeRiskValue))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();


public class Address implements Risk{
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(2.5);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.7);

private int id;
private int locationRisk;

public Address(int id)
{ = id;

public int getRiskValue() {
return locationRisk;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.locationRisk = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedLocationRisk = 502;
final int startMinimumLocationRisk = 100;
final int endMinimumRangeLocationRisk = 299;
final int startMaximumLocationRisk = 300;
final int endMaximumRangeLocationRisk = 501;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedLocationRisk)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumLocationRisk)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumLocationRisk, endMinimumRangeLocationRisk))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumLocationRisk, endMaximumRangeLocationRisk))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

  1. Processor: To calculate the premium quote or to determine if it's is insurable.

public class UserPremiumBuilder<T extends InsuredProduct> {

private User user;
T product;

private UserPremiumBuilder(User user){
this.user = user;

public static <T extends InsuredProduct> UserPremiumBuilder<T> createProfile(User user){
UserPremiumBuilder<T> builder = new UserPremiumBuilder<T>(user);
return builder;

public UserPremiumBuilder <T> setProduct(T product) {
this.product = product;
return this;

public BigDecimal calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser() {
BigDecimal userRiskSurcharge = user.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

BigDecimal productRiskSurcharge =this.product.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

return this.product.getSubTotalPremium();

BigDecimal totalPremium = this.product.getSubTotalPremium().multiply(this.product.getRiskSurcharge()).multiply(user.getRiskSurcharge());
return totalPremium;


  1. A sample unit test class:

public class UserPremiumBuilderBananaTest {
Banana banana;

public void initBanana()
banana = new Banana(1, new BigDecimal(10));

public void testUnInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskValueLargerThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


BigDecimal totalPremium = createProfile(user).setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
assertEquals(Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge(), totalPremium);

public void testInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskNotGreaterThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> builder = createProfile(user);
BigDecimal totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
BigDecimal productPremium = banana.getSubTotalPremium().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);

totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);


private static UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> createProfile(User user)
return UserPremiumBuilder.createProfile(user);

private User initUser(int addressRiskValue)
Address address = new Address(1);
User user = new User(1, address);
return user;

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New contributor

Anna is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • At a first glance, try to avoid instantiating BigDecimals when you can reuse existing instances. Thus, instead of new BigDecimal(0) use BigDecimal.ZERO. Similar instances exists for ONE and TEN as well. Also, don't use the double constructor of BigDecimal, because double can be imprecise and your 3.0 could become 3.0000000001. Use either new BigDecimal("3.0") or BigDecimal.valueOf(3.0).
    – Tom
    12 hours ago

  • @Tom: Thank you, definitely very useful advice! If you could also shed some light on the interviewer's feedback to my code: "deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.", I really appreciate that!
    – Anna
    11 hours ago

  • I'm sorry, I don't have the time for further inspections of the code, but I'm sure someone else will gladly help you.
    – Tom
    11 hours ago

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down vote


up vote
down vote


I was failed at coding challenge for my interview with the following reasons given by the interviewer: deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.

I understand that my code and design have so many flaws and I genuinely want to get your opinion so I could improve my code.

The challenge is about asking me to build a quote processor to calculate a premium for different products, based on different rule sets.

Since the requirements are very lengthy, I try to summarize it below:

Data model

  • A user (with an id, an address, and a risk value)

  • An address (with an id and a location risk value)

  • A product (with an id and a price value)

(Risk values are in our patented Universal Risk Value Scale [tm])

For products we have modelled in our system the following types:
- Houses (with address and size in square meters)
- Bananas (with number of black spots)
- Bicycles (with number of gears)

Asides from above, the premium quote would need to take in rules, base surcharge, universal risk value for each product and each user to quote a premium for user.


We want to build a quote processor that will receive a user and a set of products, and return whether we reject the user or not, and if not, for how much premium will we insure the products in euros per year.

To ensure this, we have a set of rules to follow.

Each product will have a base premium value, that multiplied by the product value will give a subtotal for the product's premium. To this subtotal, we must add a surcharge that depends on the product type and maybe on other rules. Each surcharge is multiplied to the base value.

Then, for all the products, if for one the rules say that it is un-insurable, then the final result given is that we won't offer an insurance. If no product is un-insurable, then we add all the premiums and that is the quote we return to the user.

Below are my classes, I am putting here one or two model classes just to present my design.

It is my first time using SO so I do not know how to put code in a good way yet, please understand.

  1. Interfaces:

public interface Product {
BigDecimal getProductValue();
BigDecimal getBasePremium();
BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium();

public interface Risk {

void setRiskValue(int riskValue);
BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge();

static BigDecimal getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(-1);

static BigDecimal getDefaultRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(0);

static boolean isWithinRange(int riskValue, int minValue, int maxValue)
return riskValue >= minValue && riskValue <= maxValue;

  1. Model classes:

    • Base class InsuredProduct implements above interfaces.

public abstract class InsuredProduct implements Product, Risk {
private int id;
private BigDecimal productValue;
private int riskValue;

public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;

public InsuredProduct(int id, BigDecimal productValue)
{ = id;
this.productValue =productValue;

public BigDecimal getProductValue() {
return productValue;

public void setProductValue(BigDecimal productValue) {
this.productValue = productValue;

public BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium()
return getProductValue().multiply(getBasePremium());

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public int getRiskValue() {
return this.riskValue;


  • Then Banana class as insured product extends from base class:

public class Banana extends InsuredProduct {
private static BigDecimal BASE_PREMIUM = new BigDecimal(1.15);

private int noOfBlackSpots;
private int userRiskValue;

public Banana(int id, BigDecimal productValue) {
super(id, productValue);

public int getNoOfBlackSpots() {
return noOfBlackSpots;

public void setNoOfBlackSpots(int noOfBlackSpots) {
this.noOfBlackSpots = noOfBlackSpots;

public BigDecimal getBasePremium() {

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
if(this.userRiskValue > 200)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

final int minAcceptableBlackSpots = 3;
final int maxAcceptableBlackSpots = 12;

if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.noOfBlackSpots, minAcceptableBlackSpots, maxAcceptableBlackSpots))
return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.userRiskValue = riskValue;

  • A User class (with Address) as an insured person. User's address is also part of risk surcharge to determine the quote calculation.

public class User implements Risk {
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(3.0);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.3);

private int id;
private Address address;
private int riskValue;

public User(int id, Address address)

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public Address getAddress() {
return address;

public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;

public int getRiskValue() {
return riskValue;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedRiskValue = 501;
final int startMinimumRiskValue = 20;
final int endMinimumRangeRiskValue = 200;
final int startMaximumRiskValue = 201;
final int endMaximumRangeRiskValue = 500;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedRiskValue)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumRiskValue)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumRiskValue, endMinimumRangeRiskValue))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumRiskValue, endMaximumRangeRiskValue))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();


public class Address implements Risk{
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(2.5);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.7);

private int id;
private int locationRisk;

public Address(int id)
{ = id;

public int getRiskValue() {
return locationRisk;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.locationRisk = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedLocationRisk = 502;
final int startMinimumLocationRisk = 100;
final int endMinimumRangeLocationRisk = 299;
final int startMaximumLocationRisk = 300;
final int endMaximumRangeLocationRisk = 501;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedLocationRisk)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumLocationRisk)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumLocationRisk, endMinimumRangeLocationRisk))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumLocationRisk, endMaximumRangeLocationRisk))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

  1. Processor: To calculate the premium quote or to determine if it's is insurable.

public class UserPremiumBuilder<T extends InsuredProduct> {

private User user;
T product;

private UserPremiumBuilder(User user){
this.user = user;

public static <T extends InsuredProduct> UserPremiumBuilder<T> createProfile(User user){
UserPremiumBuilder<T> builder = new UserPremiumBuilder<T>(user);
return builder;

public UserPremiumBuilder <T> setProduct(T product) {
this.product = product;
return this;

public BigDecimal calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser() {
BigDecimal userRiskSurcharge = user.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

BigDecimal productRiskSurcharge =this.product.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

return this.product.getSubTotalPremium();

BigDecimal totalPremium = this.product.getSubTotalPremium().multiply(this.product.getRiskSurcharge()).multiply(user.getRiskSurcharge());
return totalPremium;


  1. A sample unit test class:

public class UserPremiumBuilderBananaTest {
Banana banana;

public void initBanana()
banana = new Banana(1, new BigDecimal(10));

public void testUnInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskValueLargerThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


BigDecimal totalPremium = createProfile(user).setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
assertEquals(Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge(), totalPremium);

public void testInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskNotGreaterThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> builder = createProfile(user);
BigDecimal totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
BigDecimal productPremium = banana.getSubTotalPremium().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);

totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);


private static UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> createProfile(User user)
return UserPremiumBuilder.createProfile(user);

private User initUser(int addressRiskValue)
Address address = new Address(1);
User user = new User(1, address);
return user;

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I was failed at coding challenge for my interview with the following reasons given by the interviewer: deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.

I understand that my code and design have so many flaws and I genuinely want to get your opinion so I could improve my code.

The challenge is about asking me to build a quote processor to calculate a premium for different products, based on different rule sets.

Since the requirements are very lengthy, I try to summarize it below:

Data model

  • A user (with an id, an address, and a risk value)

  • An address (with an id and a location risk value)

  • A product (with an id and a price value)

(Risk values are in our patented Universal Risk Value Scale [tm])

For products we have modelled in our system the following types:
- Houses (with address and size in square meters)
- Bananas (with number of black spots)
- Bicycles (with number of gears)

Asides from above, the premium quote would need to take in rules, base surcharge, universal risk value for each product and each user to quote a premium for user.


We want to build a quote processor that will receive a user and a set of products, and return whether we reject the user or not, and if not, for how much premium will we insure the products in euros per year.

To ensure this, we have a set of rules to follow.

Each product will have a base premium value, that multiplied by the product value will give a subtotal for the product's premium. To this subtotal, we must add a surcharge that depends on the product type and maybe on other rules. Each surcharge is multiplied to the base value.

Then, for all the products, if for one the rules say that it is un-insurable, then the final result given is that we won't offer an insurance. If no product is un-insurable, then we add all the premiums and that is the quote we return to the user.

Below are my classes, I am putting here one or two model classes just to present my design.

It is my first time using SO so I do not know how to put code in a good way yet, please understand.

  1. Interfaces:

public interface Product {
BigDecimal getProductValue();
BigDecimal getBasePremium();
BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium();

public interface Risk {

void setRiskValue(int riskValue);
BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge();

static BigDecimal getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(-1);

static BigDecimal getDefaultRiskSurcharge()
return new BigDecimal(0);

static boolean isWithinRange(int riskValue, int minValue, int maxValue)
return riskValue >= minValue && riskValue <= maxValue;

  1. Model classes:

    • Base class InsuredProduct implements above interfaces.

public abstract class InsuredProduct implements Product, Risk {
private int id;
private BigDecimal productValue;
private int riskValue;

public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;

public InsuredProduct(int id, BigDecimal productValue)
{ = id;
this.productValue =productValue;

public BigDecimal getProductValue() {
return productValue;

public void setProductValue(BigDecimal productValue) {
this.productValue = productValue;

public BigDecimal getSubTotalPremium()
return getProductValue().multiply(getBasePremium());

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public int getRiskValue() {
return this.riskValue;


  • Then Banana class as insured product extends from base class:

public class Banana extends InsuredProduct {
private static BigDecimal BASE_PREMIUM = new BigDecimal(1.15);

private int noOfBlackSpots;
private int userRiskValue;

public Banana(int id, BigDecimal productValue) {
super(id, productValue);

public int getNoOfBlackSpots() {
return noOfBlackSpots;

public void setNoOfBlackSpots(int noOfBlackSpots) {
this.noOfBlackSpots = noOfBlackSpots;

public BigDecimal getBasePremium() {

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
if(this.userRiskValue > 200)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

final int minAcceptableBlackSpots = 3;
final int maxAcceptableBlackSpots = 12;

if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.noOfBlackSpots, minAcceptableBlackSpots, maxAcceptableBlackSpots))
return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.userRiskValue = riskValue;

  • A User class (with Address) as an insured person. User's address is also part of risk surcharge to determine the quote calculation.

public class User implements Risk {
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(3.0);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_USER_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.3);

private int id;
private Address address;
private int riskValue;

public User(int id, Address address)

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public Address getAddress() {
return address;

public void setAddress(Address address) {
this.address = address;

public int getRiskValue() {
return riskValue;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.riskValue = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedRiskValue = 501;
final int startMinimumRiskValue = 20;
final int endMinimumRangeRiskValue = 200;
final int startMaximumRiskValue = 201;
final int endMaximumRangeRiskValue = 500;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedRiskValue)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumRiskValue)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumRiskValue, endMinimumRangeRiskValue))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumRiskValue, endMaximumRangeRiskValue))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();


public class Address implements Risk{
private static final BigDecimal MAXIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(2.5);
private static final BigDecimal MEDIUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
private static final BigDecimal MINIMUM_LOCATION_RISK_SURCHARGE = new BigDecimal(0.7);

private int id;
private int locationRisk;

public Address(int id)
{ = id;

public int getRiskValue() {
return locationRisk;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public void setRiskValue(int riskValue) {
this.locationRisk = riskValue;

public BigDecimal getRiskSurcharge() {
final int unsupportedLocationRisk = 502;
final int startMinimumLocationRisk = 100;
final int endMinimumRangeLocationRisk = 299;
final int startMaximumLocationRisk = 300;
final int endMaximumRangeLocationRisk = 501;

if(this.getRiskValue() >= unsupportedLocationRisk)
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

if(this.getRiskValue() < startMinimumLocationRisk)
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMinimumLocationRisk, endMinimumRangeLocationRisk))
if(Risk.isWithinRange(this.getRiskValue(), startMaximumLocationRisk, endMaximumRangeLocationRisk))

return Risk.getDefaultRiskSurcharge();

  1. Processor: To calculate the premium quote or to determine if it's is insurable.

public class UserPremiumBuilder<T extends InsuredProduct> {

private User user;
T product;

private UserPremiumBuilder(User user){
this.user = user;

public static <T extends InsuredProduct> UserPremiumBuilder<T> createProfile(User user){
UserPremiumBuilder<T> builder = new UserPremiumBuilder<T>(user);
return builder;

public UserPremiumBuilder <T> setProduct(T product) {
this.product = product;
return this;

public BigDecimal calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser() {
BigDecimal userRiskSurcharge = user.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

BigDecimal productRiskSurcharge =this.product.getRiskSurcharge();
return Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge();

return this.product.getSubTotalPremium();

BigDecimal totalPremium = this.product.getSubTotalPremium().multiply(this.product.getRiskSurcharge()).multiply(user.getRiskSurcharge());
return totalPremium;


  1. A sample unit test class:

public class UserPremiumBuilderBananaTest {
Banana banana;

public void initBanana()
banana = new Banana(1, new BigDecimal(10));

public void testUnInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskValueLargerThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


BigDecimal totalPremium = createProfile(user).setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
assertEquals(Risk.getUnIdentifiedRiskSurcharge(), totalPremium);

public void testInsurableBananaRiskSurchargeWithUserRiskNotGreaterThan200() {
User user = initUser(10);


UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> builder = createProfile(user);
BigDecimal totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
BigDecimal productPremium = banana.getSubTotalPremium().setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);

totalPremium = builder.setProduct(banana).calculateSingleProductPremiumForUser();
totalPremium = totalPremium.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
assertEquals(productPremium, totalPremium);


private static UserPremiumBuilder<Banana> createProfile(User user)
return UserPremiumBuilder.createProfile(user);

private User initUser(int addressRiskValue)
Address address = new Address(1);
User user = new User(1, address);
return user;


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Anna is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 14 hours ago




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Anna is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Anna is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Anna is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • At a first glance, try to avoid instantiating BigDecimals when you can reuse existing instances. Thus, instead of new BigDecimal(0) use BigDecimal.ZERO. Similar instances exists for ONE and TEN as well. Also, don't use the double constructor of BigDecimal, because double can be imprecise and your 3.0 could become 3.0000000001. Use either new BigDecimal("3.0") or BigDecimal.valueOf(3.0).
    – Tom
    12 hours ago

  • @Tom: Thank you, definitely very useful advice! If you could also shed some light on the interviewer's feedback to my code: "deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.", I really appreciate that!
    – Anna
    11 hours ago

  • I'm sorry, I don't have the time for further inspections of the code, but I'm sure someone else will gladly help you.
    – Tom
    11 hours ago

  • At a first glance, try to avoid instantiating BigDecimals when you can reuse existing instances. Thus, instead of new BigDecimal(0) use BigDecimal.ZERO. Similar instances exists for ONE and TEN as well. Also, don't use the double constructor of BigDecimal, because double can be imprecise and your 3.0 could become 3.0000000001. Use either new BigDecimal("3.0") or BigDecimal.valueOf(3.0).
    – Tom
    12 hours ago

  • @Tom: Thank you, definitely very useful advice! If you could also shed some light on the interviewer's feedback to my code: "deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.", I really appreciate that!
    – Anna
    11 hours ago

  • I'm sorry, I don't have the time for further inspections of the code, but I'm sure someone else will gladly help you.
    – Tom
    11 hours ago

At a first glance, try to avoid instantiating BigDecimals when you can reuse existing instances. Thus, instead of new BigDecimal(0) use BigDecimal.ZERO. Similar instances exists for ONE and TEN as well. Also, don't use the double constructor of BigDecimal, because double can be imprecise and your 3.0 could become 3.0000000001. Use either new BigDecimal("3.0") or BigDecimal.valueOf(3.0).
– Tom
12 hours ago

At a first glance, try to avoid instantiating BigDecimals when you can reuse existing instances. Thus, instead of new BigDecimal(0) use BigDecimal.ZERO. Similar instances exists for ONE and TEN as well. Also, don't use the double constructor of BigDecimal, because double can be imprecise and your 3.0 could become 3.0000000001. Use either new BigDecimal("3.0") or BigDecimal.valueOf(3.0).
– Tom
12 hours ago

@Tom: Thank you, definitely very useful advice! If you could also shed some light on the interviewer's feedback to my code: "deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.", I really appreciate that!
– Anna
11 hours ago

@Tom: Thank you, definitely very useful advice! If you could also shed some light on the interviewer's feedback to my code: "deep use of mutation and a not that well thought up internal API.", I really appreciate that!
– Anna
11 hours ago

I'm sorry, I don't have the time for further inspections of the code, but I'm sure someone else will gladly help you.
– Tom
11 hours ago

I'm sorry, I don't have the time for further inspections of the code, but I'm sure someone else will gladly help you.
– Tom
11 hours ago




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